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麵屋 雪乃 26 Jul 2013 | 10:53 am
如果沒有很充裕的時間,那麼,這個套餐最適合了!不用浪費您太多的時間,即可一次嚐遍飛驒高山的美饌! 照片中的是飛驒牛美食套餐 1,380日圓 烤飛驒牛肉 / 小碗中華麵(小碗高山拉麵)/ 朴葉味噌燒 / 醃紅蕪菁 / 小碗白飯 1天限定20份 日本料理的內行人,吃高級牛肉都是沾鹽或哇沙米吃的喔! 當今世界最熱門的豬骨拉麵。可在飛驒高山,享受到忠實重現日本首席人氣餐廳的美味。還有加飛驒烤牛肉的牛肉拉...
麺や 雪乃 8 Jul 2013 | 11:24 am
時間が無い?それならこのセットで決まり!飛騨高山グルメがオールインワン。時間を無駄にしないでバディ!写真は飛騨牛グルメセット1,380円 飛騨牛焼肉/中華そば小(高山ラーメン小)/朴葉みそ焼き/赤かぶら/ご飯小 1日限定20食 皆さん、日本食の通は極上の肉は塩もしくは、わさびで食べるのを知っていますか? そして、今や世界中で大ヒットの豚骨ラーメン。日本で一番人気店の味を忠実に再現した物 が、ここ飛...
More sashimi related news:
Cutit pentru Sashimi PS-180-BK 10 Aug 2011 | 12:09 am
Cutit pentru Sashimi PS-180-BK Tip: Cutit Sashimi Lama: 18 cm, ceramica high-tech neagra Lama ceramica nu rugineste si nu absoarbe nici gustul si nici mirosul produselor tocate Lama ceramica isi m...
Buy Frozen Sashimi Grade Bluefin Tuna Belly Loins (Toro) ~ 1.5lbs Reviews 30 May 2012 | 07:29 am
Sashimi Grade 1.5lb Piece We carry frozen, boneless sushi/sashimi grade toro (bluefin belly meat), which is one of the most prized types of sushi in the world. Due to the high fat content, the fish ...
Another Interesting Stumble… Sashimi Anyone? 24 May 2012 | 02:34 am
If you are wondering why I am posting this random stumbled instead of a review… the answer to that is that I’m too tired to write up a review today. =P Instead, I thought that this might interest you...
Yamamori Noodles 16 Mar 2006 | 03:16 pm
Food: 4 Points The food at Yamamori is really good. There is a great choice of Sashimi and Nigiri and also Maki is being offered for a good price. The Maki unfortunately cannot be mixed, so you can o...
Sushi and Sashimi at Matsuya in Mt. Laurel 13 Aug 2011 | 05:25 am
Beautiful kitsho roll consisting yellowtail, tuna, salmon, avocado, and asparagus inside with salmon, massago, tuna, and white tuna on top with spicy and misso sauces. $12.95. We’ve added some sashim...
Japanese Food : Sushi and Sashimi 12 Aug 2011 | 11:32 pm
These two dishes are often thought to be one and the same. Sashimi consists of thin slices of raw fish or other seafood served with spicy Japanese horseradish (wasabi) and shoyu while sushi consists o...
Wasabi the japanese horseradish 29 Jul 2011 | 03:26 pm
Wasabi is Japanese horseradish. It's a green paste used on a variety of foods including seafoods and noodles. Sashimi (raw fish) is dipped into a mix of soy sauce and wasabi. Wasabi is not an easy pl...
Teriyaki Boy: Chuuka Ramen, Yakimeshi and Kaitai Maguro Sashimi 23 May 2012 | 04:20 am
Chuuka Ramen – P 134.00 - Succulent ramen noodles, sliced Japanese roast pork, sesame pechay, gari, spring onions, cracked pepper, soup base; Shoyu (regular serving). Yakimeshi – P 54.00 - Japanese F...
Exotic 9 Feb 2009 | 04:39 am
Well, maybe not, but this is as close as I’m likely to get. So here we have some beef fillet steak, seared until just cooked on the outside as an attempt at beef sashimi, a hot peanut dipping sauce, t...
Tantalizing Tentacles 5 Dec 2009 | 11:24 pm
Sashimi, as an experience, is one that treads a fine line between good eating and amoebiasis. People have eaten raw seafood for ages, but with all the talk of red tide and food poisoning, sashimi is ...