Most sassy radish salmon related news are at:

friday link love 23 Aug 2013 | 04:10 pm
Happy Friday, friends. Last week I was in bucolic Vermont countryside, surrounded by trees, lakes, hills and a lot of sky. And now vacation feels so far away, so long ago, it seems surreal that it was...
friday link love 9 Aug 2013 | 03:57 pm
Happy Friday, friends. I send this update to you from Massachusetts suburbs from where we’re finishing up the work week and seeing my parents before departing for Vermont, with A’s family tomorrow mor...
More sassy radish salmon related news:
Baked Salmon Bento 11 Jan 2012 | 03:02 pm
Here we go… starting off 2012 with a relatively healthy bento: baked salmon, egg omelette, fried brown rice, and broccoli. Embellishments include a sprig of kaiware (radish sprouts), black sesame see...
Sassy Mama French family favourites: Tabbouleh with crunchy vegetables, smoked salmon salad and a touch of mint 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Once again, we’re handing the reins over to Sassy dad-of-two and General Manager of Catering at Chez Patrick – Laurent Brouard! This month, Laurent’s family favourite is a scrummy and colourful cousco...