Most sata native mode related news are at:

Google Reader wird eingestellt 15 Mar 2013 | 02:23 am
Es gibt so Tage, da sollte man erst gar nicht an den Rechner gehen. Noch bevor ich meine tägliche Tour durch die aktuellen News beginnen kann, begrüßt mich der Google Reader mit der Meldung, dass dies...
Tonerverkäufer reloaded 8 Feb 2013 | 03:58 am
Wenn du glaubst, es geht nichts mehr, kommt von irgendwo ein Anruf her. Vor gut acht Jahren schrieb ich das letzte Mal an dieser Stelle von den Tonerverkäufern. Ich dachte wirklich, dass sich die Masc...
More sata native mode related news:
The Baby Guide *New* 24 Feb 2012 | 06:09 am
** Two apps for the price of One! ** This app runs in two native modes – phone or tablet. The phone version is concise with quick navigation while the tablet version gives you everything the phone v...
Windows 7 AHCI – 安裝後開啟 AHCI 的方法 16 Mar 2010 | 04:17 am
SATA 2 代新增了 hot-plugging (隨時可以插入/移除硬碟) 和 native command queuing (NCQ). 但要享受 SATA 2 的好處, 大家就要啓用 AHCI. AHCI 即是 Advanced Host Controller Interface - 是 SATA 的其中一個 mode. 安裝 Windows 7 時忘記設定 AHCI mode .... ...
AGDLP (Accounts, Global groups, Domain Local groups, Permissions) 18 Jan 2013 | 04:56 am
AGDLP briefly summarizes Microsoft’s recommendations for implementing role based access controls (RBAC) using nested groups in a native-mode Active Directory (AD) domain: User and computer accounts ar...
设置U盘启动找不到U盘 14 May 2013 | 01:01 pm
设置U盘启动时,如果在启动项找到U盘,就到BIOS中将”SATA Controller Mode& [...]
Native Inbox Mobile app supports Android 2.3.3 and up 11 Jul 2013 | 11:50 am
The latest version (v4.x) of the Inbox Mail mobile application Inbox features not only small improvements in the work, but also supports the native mode for phones with Android version starting from 2...
Hashcat v.0.37 - CPU Password Cracker 23 Sep 2011 | 09:29 pm
Features: * Free * Multi-Threaded * Multi-Hash * Linux & Windows native binaries * Fastest cpu-based multihash cracker * SSE2 accelerated * All Attack-Modes except Brute-Force and Permutation c...
Acer Aspire 4540 - Drivers XP 17 Oct 2010 | 12:42 pm
A Acer não dá nenhum suporte a XP para esse modelo e deu um certo trabalho encontrar todos os drivers, por isso reuni todos aqui: Para instalar o XP Se você configurar SATA MODE no setup do BIOS par...
Disco SSD G-Monster SSD V4 22 Sep 2009 | 06:49 pm
Lanzado en Japón recientemente, el nuevo disco SSD de Mobile Mode es el G-Monster V4 SLC. La gama ofrece capacidades de 32GB, 64GB y 128GB con conexión SATA, y tamaño de 2,5 pulgadas. Utilizan una mem...
Hashcat v.0.37 - CPU Password Cracker 23 Sep 2011 | 05:29 pm
Features: * Free * Multi-Threaded * Multi-Hash * Linux & Windows native binaries * Fastest cpu-based multihash cracker * SSE2 accelerated * All Attack-Modes except Brute-Force and Permutation c...
Massachusetts: Mohawk Trail 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Once a Mohawk Native American footpath, the trail has altered over time to accommodate new modes of transportation. As cars gained in popularity, in 1914 the Mohawk Trail was declared the first scenic...