Most savage worlds arcane related news are at:

:) Chwalimy się :) 10 Jul 2013 | 12:17 am
Wojciech “Sethariel” Żółtański napisał to, co w sumie my chcieliśmy, więc za serwisem Settingi „Nemezis”, „Beasts & Barbarians”, a także „Interface Zero 2.0″ zostaną wydane we Franc...
Dzień Darmowych Gier Fabularnych 15 Jun 2013 | 03:12 am
Dziś Dzień Darmowych Gier Fabularnych, w związku z tym przygotowaliśmy dla Was kilka materiałów do pobrania i parę niespodzianek. Na stronie z tej okazji Almanach Bohaterów jest zupełnie za da...
More savage worlds arcane related news:
Deathgames 10 Oct 2011 | 10:54 pm
David Lord finds himself forced into the savage world of a modern gladiatorial arena, where men fight to the death for the entertainment of the online masses.
D&D: Heroes of Neverwinter (+powrót) 9 Feb 2012 | 08:24 am
Miałem chyba pół roku przerwy od całej fandomowej otoczki - prawie nic nie grałem w RPGi. Zdziwiło mnie, że tak niewiele się stało w tym czasie. Oczywiście, wiem, że Savage Worlds jest prężnie rozwija...
Releases, Kickstarter, and a Party! 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Lots of news today, so let's jump right in. First, we have our new releases for the week. Warlord Savage Worlds Pathfinder 60115: Shoanti Barbarian by Gene Van Horne ($7.29) 60120: Alicavniss Vonn...
Releases for 09-10-12 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Hello friends! We have releases for you! They are: Warlord 14627: Arachnilith by Julie Guthrie ($13.29) Chronoscope 50276: Delta Force Commando by Bobby Jackson ($6.29) Savage Worlds 59032: Old P...
Grandmother Abuse – Beaten By Security Guards Based On Possible Theft 17 Apr 2013 | 12:06 pm
The gogo was accused of shoplifting — a crime that involves a suspended sentence, a warning or a fine. But in the savage world of the security guard, punishment is immediate, violent and... This is j...
[Savage Worlds] Quickness power questions 13 Jul 2013 | 02:25 pm
There is a rule in Savage Worlds under action that says you cannot do the same thing twice. However, with the Quickness power you essentially get to turns a round. Would this allow you to make 2 atta...
Editing Pathfinder and/or Savage Worlds Editing 27 Aug 2013 | 04:56 am
Sneak Attack Press is looking for an editor to edit our upcoming post apocalyptic adventure setting. We are producing a Pathfinder and Savage Worlds version, and might hire one person for both, or one...
Weird Wars Rome RPG, Maps, Soundtrack, and More Unlocked in Kickstarter 13 Aug 2013 | 09:45 pm
Pinnacle Entertainment Group’s Kickstarter, Weird Wars Rome for Savage Worlds, quickly surpassed funding. Digital rewards thus far include an original soundtrack, short adventures, and interior overla...
Editing Pathfinder and/or Savage Worlds Editing 27 Aug 2013 | 04:56 am
Sneak Attack Press is looking for an editor to edit our upcoming post apocalyptic adventure setting. We are producing a Pathfinder and Savage Worlds version, and might hire one person for both, or one...
Gaslight Victorian Fantasy 2nd Edition (Savage Worlds Edition) 3 Aug 2013 | 01:23 am
Publisher: Battlefield Press Battlefield Press, Inc presents Gaslight. A Victorian Fantasy where technology meets sorcery, where fantasy meets history. A world where Humans co-exist with Vampires, wh...