Most save the date conference related news are at:

The Benefits of Community Supported Agriculture 20 Aug 2013 | 02:02 am
"When we talk about a strong local food system as beneficial, what do we mean? Economically, the direct link from grower to consumer allows our grocery dollars to remain local. Considering the high pe...
Farm to Cafeteria Manual for Montana Now Available 13 Aug 2013 | 09:50 pm
AERO and NCAT have collaborated on a how-to guide for producers, foodservice, professionals, and local leaders interested in getting more fresh, local food into schools and other institutions. Downloa...
More save the date conference related news:
Save the date ! : Conférence de rentrée du CMD Est : Jeudi 26 septembre 2013 17 Jul 2013 | 08:28 pm
La révolution du mobile & le marketing direct Animée par Alexandre Jubien, consultant en stratégie digitale sur le mobile et les tablettes, et ancien de Deezer et Viadeo. Cette présentation sera enric...
SAVE THE DATE 5 Oct 2011 | 09:08 am
The East Asian Studies Program at John Carroll University cordially requests that you save the date of Tuesday November 1 for the 2011 East Asian Festival. European Commission Press releaseSave the d...
Is there a website that I can download free fonts? 13 Jan 2011 | 11:20 pm
futures trading blog said: I am making all my own invites, save the dates, etc. I’d like to use a “different” font rather that just the normal Microsoft Word fonts. Does anyone know a website where y...
2010 IRCE Affiliate Marketing Reception 7 May 2010 | 02:46 am
Featuring cocktails, appetizers, networking, giveaways...and you're invited so save the date! This year at the 2010 Internet Retailer Conference (on June 10th) there is a meet & greet from 5:30pm-7:3...
WordPress Wedding Theme Released 10 May 2010 | 04:27 am
For a while now we’ve wanted to release a wedding theme - for couples to share important details about their upcoming wedding. So Brad and Matt went to work on one …. we’re calling it Save the Date. ...
Retki Classic 3.12.2010 -save the date 1 Oct 2010 | 07:12 pm
Jokavuotinen paluu on edessä kahden kuukauden aikaan. Enää ei ole paineita soittaa uutta musaa, niin voidaan soittaa vain niitä hittejä joita kaikki rakastaa: Retki classic 3.12.2010 Fiilistä oheise...
Save the Date! 5 Apr 2012 | 09:53 pm
Save the Date for Singapore’s first-ever NIGHT Pink Dot 2012! Singapore, April 6, 2012 – On June 30, 2012, Singaporeans will, for the fourth year running, gather at Hong Lim Park to form a human pink...
Business Matchmaking Workshop and Procurement Opportunities 14 May 2012 | 05:36 pm
Save the Date! Business Matchmaking Workshop Learn, Understand, and Discover the Ins and Outs of Contracting! Grow your business! Connect and do Business with Big Companies! Date: August 2 - 3, 2012...
Outbound Appointment Setting – Case Study 7 Dec 2011 | 11:36 am
Swift and Efficient Ramp-Up Saves National Medical Conference Tour A premier event management company, specializing in customized, luxurious events sought external assistance to enroll participants f...