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More scary app in java related news:
Hello World in C on Android 20 Feb 2009 | 09:10 pm
If you've been following the Android world, you'd know that Android's SDK requires you to write apps in Java. Ever since I got my phone I've been dying to run a Hello World C program, ...
Google App Engine Java SDK 1.2.1 新版出现,JSP编码中文问题解决 16 May 2009 | 02:45 pm
Google App Engine Java SDK1.2.1终于出来了!很荣幸地看到我提交的BUG(Issue1257)被作为重要的fix给补好了,从此jsp的中文问题彻底解决了! 这个1.2.1带来了这些新的变化: 增加了对 appengine-web.xml, cron.xml, and datastore-indexes.xml文件的效验。 新的<user-permissions>节...
Orkut Mobile App For Java-enabled Mobile Phones Released 5 Jun 2009 | 05:27 pm
Google just launched a stand-alone Java app for mobile phones that now enables you to quickly use Orkut on your Internet-enabled mobile phones. Some of the features of the mobile app are: Upload pho...
Deploying Pylons Apps to Java Servlet Containers 11 Mar 2009 | 12:59 pm
As of the 0.9.7 release, Pylons now supports Jython 2.5. The new snakefight tool can create a WAR file from a Pylons app via its bdist_war distutils command. Using bdist_war is simple: just follow th...
[蘋果日報] 代 Cult 1: 80後 寫 apps=收錢 5 Aug 2010 | 10:45 pm
有蘋果 人人做老闆 ■介面簡單,玩法卻似足日本樂器三味線 iPhone 4一出群情洶湧, i字頭的一切都有市有價。地鐵車廂人人都埋首於超低能的 apps,但香港活躍的軟件開發者來來去去都只有 20幾個,過去三年開發了六個收費軟件、發了幾十萬小財的理工大學電子計算系講師雷兆恒( Simon)說:「做 apps developer先要掌握 Java、 C+、 objective C等軟件和電腦語言...
So How Do You Convince Google App Engine to Create Your Datastore Indexes 4 Sep 2010 | 02:11 am
Creating indexes on Google App Engine / Java (gae/j) is an easy job. You don’t even have to think about it (well, for some time) For etohum admin application we used gae/j and it has been almost two ...
Sr App Engineer - Java/Spring 25 Apr 2012 | 05:51 pm
Reference: <p> If you would like to be part of a team of highly driven and innovative individuals who are reshaping the way business people gain visibility into their sales pipeline, we'd like t...
Setting an entity property as a list with Gaelyk and Google Appengine 15 Oct 2009 | 08:57 am
As the Gaelyk site says, “Gaelyk is a lightweight Groovy toolkit for Google App Engine Java.” Gaelyk makes it easier and Groovier to play with datastore entities, allowing the following syntax for cr...
Just posted a GWT and Google App Engine Java App… 9 Apr 2009 | 12:48 pm
I just ported chapter 10 from my GWT book to the Java App Engine. I’m very impressed with Google’s release today. I had to: upgrade Eclipse to use the new Google Eclipse Plugin and create a new Web A...
Font Size Too Small in "SciFi of the Day" App 16 Apr 2013 | 10:29 pm
Thank for your feedback, Charles! We will add that feature to the list of improvements for this app. Category: Java: Android