Most scentsy lenox related news are at:

Chevron Warmers 19 Aug 2013 | 09:09 pm
These will be the best selling scentsy warmers of all time.. I just know it. Scentsy Chevron Candle Warmers With the Chevron print being so popular right now, this is a must have for anyone who is t...
Scentsy Companion System 7 Aug 2013 | 08:50 pm
I love this Package because you get the best of both worlds. A full size warmer for your living room or bedroom and a plugin for your kitchen or restroom, along with 6 scentsy bars! If you’re subs...
More scentsy lenox related news:
Lenox Images, my new domain! 4 May 2012 | 03:48 pm
Long time no blogging. It has been like a year since I had on my Lenox Knit's hat, figuratively that is. I just wanted to pop in and say that the Lenox name is still going strong but now going in ano...
So by now I’m sure you all heard that Beyta’s baby is finally here. January 7th, Beyonce went into “labor” at NYC’s Lenox Hospital, although it is unclear whether the birth was natural or by c-secti...
Guest Post: Create a Spa-Like Bedroom Using Your Sense of Smell 6 May 2012 | 12:37 am
I'm happy to have Sierra back to guest post again today! I have a particular fondness for the topic of scent in your home, since it relates to my much-loved Scentsy. Thanks for posting, Sierra! _____...
February Specials 27 Feb 2012 | 10:10 am
I couldn't let this month pass without telling y'all about the exciting things going on with Scentsy! First, almost everything in the catalog is 10% off! This sale doesn't come along often so whether...
Scensty Review! 7 Jun 2011 | 03:05 am
I recently had the pleasure to review a Scentsy Warmer and several Scentsy Bars from Scentsy!! If you have never heard of Scentsy you are missing out!!! I chose the Angora Full Size Scensty Warmer and...
Lenox Butterfly Meadow Comforter Set 29 Apr 2012 | 10:42 am
There is a pretty nice comforter set out there right now called the Lenox Butterfly Meadow comforter set. It looks pretty fancy and nice, but [...]
Scentsy of the Month 30 Dec 2010 | 11:09 am
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Scentsy 30 Dec 2010 | 08:23 am
Scentsy Unsurpassed Quality awaits you with your Scentsy Products Now is the time to experience the sights, sounds, and scents of the season. Scentsy's fragrances will bring back memories and help ...
Scentsy Introduces March’s Scent and Buddy of the Month 3 Mar 2012 | 09:54 am
Wellington is snuggled up in a sunny yellow rain slicker, ready for whatever weather might come your way. Sunlit Morning: Experience the brilliance of a spring morning with juicy lemon and bergamo...
Scentsy Candle Warmers 18 May 2010 | 04:11 am
Scentsy candle warmers make great gifts, and what a lot of people don’t realize is that with Father’s Day right around the corner, we have some great “manly” scents available specifically for the dad ...