Most schnauzer related news are at:

How to Keep Down the Costs of Owning a Pet 31 Jan 2013 | 08:25 pm
As most dog owners know, pets really become part of the family. They get doted on, trips get planned around them, and people are forced to organize their day around their walks and meal schedule. And ...
2011 Most Popular Dog Breeds 29 Nov 2011 | 12:56 pm
Once again, it’s a great year to be a Labrador Retriever (for the 20th consecutive year!)The American Kennel Club has released their list of most popular dog breeds, and the list shows few surprises. ...
More schnauzer related news:
My Back Pages 3 Oct 2008 | 03:56 pm
The picture? Probably 1984. I'm not certain. It was taken one rainy Memorial Day weekend at Arthur & Barry's old farm house in Atwood, New York. Nolan, my schnauzer, still had her puppy coat. I'd jus...
Puppy Vs Wolf - Zelda Twilight Princess 13 Jan 2007 | 04:40 am
Aww.. this is so cute. Watch this ‘Miniature Schnauzer’ sings along with the wolf from Zelda Twilight Princess.
Toy Schnauzer Dog Breed 24 Jun 2011 | 10:00 am
Toy Schnauzer Dog Breed Toy Schnauzer Dog Breed Introduction: The Toy Schnauzer dog breed continues to be just about the most common, and since 2008 has always been in the list of top 20 most popula...
My Baby 21 Feb 2010 | 04:59 am
The ad: I have a Chihuahua/Mini Schnauzer mix puppy to re-home. She was born Oct 3rd, 2009. She is up to date on her shots, and has been wormed. She is very petite, should not be over 5 lb. My guess ...
Justravelin Full Time RVing Blog 20 Aug 2010 | 08:16 am
Ellie and Jim are justravelin with their 2 mini schnauzers, Mr. Bo Jangles and Jasmine, in a 2008 Tiffin Phaeton Motor Home. We retired in 2006, sold our house in 2007, and became full time RVer’s to ...
Libby 1 Aug 2010 | 09:56 am
I know it has been five plus weeks since my last post. When I returned home from Florida, we picked up Libby our Miniature Schnauzer. She wasn’t acting herself and had lost weight and her eyes were...
NederlandseSchnauzerClub 10 Apr 2012 | 12:46 am
Ontwerpwedstrijd Schnauzerblad in kleur, win € 200,– Inschrijving is verlengd tot 8 april. Voor meer informatie, klik hier Op zaterdag 24 maart heeft Anke vd Berghe met haar schnauzer Jup-Mara vd ...
Sznaucer olbrzymi 3 Dec 2008 | 11:59 am
Sznaucer olbrzymi Inne nazwy tej rasy psów: rosyjski sznaucer niedźwiedzi, sznaucer monachijski, brodacz monachijski, sznaucer piwny, Giant Schnauzer, Riesenschnauzer, Russian...
Latest portrait - Charcoal of Butch the Schnauzer 21 Apr 2012 | 07:10 am
Latest portrait - Charcoal of Butch the Schnauzer This is Butch - a standard Schnauzer from London. He is a handsome gent, and goes in for the more natural haircut rather than following the standard ...
Webkinz January POTM 27 Oct 2009 | 02:57 am
Ganz announced that Webkinz Schnauzer will be the Pet of the Month for January 2010. Those who will adopt it during January will receive POTM “Loot Bag” with a special POTM Exclusive Item and will get...