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Touch (2012) 19 Apr 2012 | 08:23 am
Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi A drama/sci-fi TV show that blends science and spirituality to explore the hidden connections which bind together all of humanity. At the center of this distinctive new series is ...
Alias Seasons 1-5 DVD Boxset 11 Feb 2012 | 11:23 pm
Detailed DVD Info Category :Action | Adventure | Drama | Mystery | Sci-Fi TV Series Release Date :30 September 2001 Studio :Buena Vista Home Entertainment Aspect Ratio : 1.78:1 Sound Mix :Dolby D... 7 Jul 2010 | 09:57 pm
Ohhhh goodness. Sex blogging should not be a chore, but the sci-fi TV show I'm catching up on is just too juicy. Alright. The weird thing about this meet-up, for one, is that it is continuing a seque...
Vedere film in streaming con 18 Jan 2011 | 07:00 am
Il logo di Oggi ci occupiamo di una risorsa molto preziosa per vedere i film in streaming direttamente dal proprio pc, ovvero il portale Si tratta di un sito che consente...
Bilim, teknoloji, doga, yasam, uzay, gezi, arastirma gibi farkli belgesel türlerini izleyicisine sunan Sci Tech TV'yi; Teledünya dijital yayin platformu 193. kanal ve Tivibu 108. kanalda izleyebilirsi...
X-Files Wallpaper 21 Jul 2008 | 03:03 am
X-Files was the mistery and Sci-Fi TV Series of the 90′s for most people, including me. I still read news about the show, even if it’s not on TV anymore, so I was glad when I heard that Mulder and Scu...
Eurovision Song Contest 2012, sabato la finale: per la4Italia ca4 Nina Zilli (TV Oggi) 30 Nov 1999 | 11:00 am
E' partito ieri sera l'Eurovision Song Contest 2012, la competizione canora europea che vede in gara tutte le nazioni con un rappresentante. La manifestazione si sta svolgendo a Baku, in Azerbaigian: ...
Doctor Who Experience 21 Jul 2012 | 08:38 am
Doctor Who may be off our screens for a little while, but that hasn’t drowsed the appetite of fans of the world’s longest sci-f TV series for all things Doctor Who. Yesterday, the Doctor Who Experienc...
X-Files Wallpaper 20 Jul 2008 | 11:03 pm
X-Files was the mistery and Sci-Fi TV Series of the 90′s for most people, including me. I still read news about the show, even if it’s not on TV anymore, so I was glad when I heard that Mulder and Scu...
OGGI, STORACE A RADIO 24 E CLASS TV 26 Sep 2012 | 03:05 am
Oggi sarò impegnato in una serie di collegamenti radiofonici e televisivi in cui avrò modo di spiegare il punto di vista de La Destra rispetto alle vicende della Regione Lazio e alle dimissioni di Ren...