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5 okt: Open Dag Amsterdam Science Park 22 Aug 2013 | 04:25 pm
Op zaterdag 5 oktober 2013 heet Amsterdam Science Park u van harte welkom op de jaarlijkse Open Dag. Dit is hét moment om een kijkje te nemen in de schatkamers van verschillende bijzondere organisatie...
Science Park Amsterdam academic partner TEDxAmsterdam Award 2013 21 Aug 2013 | 07:36 pm
Science Park Amsterdam is the academic partner of the TEDxAmsterdam Award 2013. This annual competition is to support great ideas that inspire, have a significant positive impact on the lives of peopl...
More science park amsterdam related news:
Science Park Amsterdam academic partner TEDxAmsterdam Award 2013 21 Aug 2013 | 07:36 pm
Science Park Amsterdam is the academic partner of the TEDxAmsterdam Award 2013. This annual competition is to support great ideas that inspire, have a significant positive impact on the lives of peopl...
Start-up Lucipher van ACE Venture Lab wint innovatiewedstrijd IBM Mentor Day 24 Jul 2013 | 11:49 am
Lucipher, een start-up van ACE Venture Lab gevestigd op Science Park Amsterdam, heeft de innovatiewedstrijd, IBM Mentor Day, gewonnen. Met deze wedstrijd ondersteunt IBM veelbelovende softwareontwikke...
12 t/m 15 sept: Science Park Amsterdam Film Festival, SPAFF 2013 18 Jul 2013 | 04:55 pm
Van 12 tot en met 15 september 2013 presenteert Science Park Amsterdam de tweede editie van SPAFF, het Science Park Amsterdam Film Festival, met een 15-tal documentaires en speelfilms op het snijvlak ...
Goudriaan en Sumets winnen SPAchess Open 2013 15 Jul 2013 | 04:18 pm
Etienne Goudriaan en Andrey Sumets hebben het 3e Science Park Amsterdam Schaaktoernooi gewonnen met 7,5 punt uit 9. In de laatste ronde speelde koploper Goudriaan gelijk tegen Yochanan Afek. Sumets, d...
Feestelijke onthulling kunstwerken op Science Park Amsterdam 11 Jul 2013 | 03:16 pm
Op woensdag 10 juli 2013 hebben Carolien Gehrels, wethouder gemeente Amsterdam en Thijs Reuten, bestuurder stadsdeel Oost, drie kunstwerken in de openbare ruimte op Science Park Amsterdam onthuld. De ...
Jagex Lease 220 Cambridge Science Park 19 Jul 2011 | 11:31 pm
Jagex have signed a 15-year lease on 220 Cambridge Science Park, a three-floor, 43,774 square foot building. Read more.
Computer Chess World Championship in Amsterdam 1 Jun 2007 | 03:50 am
The 15th world computer chess championship will be held in the Science Park in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, from June 11th until June 18th. Shredder will compete trying to win his 12th computer chess w...
I will participate at an "unconference" ("potluck" conference) on March 16-18. WebCoast will take place at Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg, on the west coast of Sweden. Here is an excerpt from t...
euroLED looks forward to 10th birthday, following this year’s success 28 Jun 2012 | 08:06 pm
The ninth annual euroLED exhibition, gala dinner and conference attracted more visitors than ever before. The Birmingham Science Park two-day event for the LED and solid state lighting industry was he...
Philips signs up for euroLED 2012 at NEC on 13th and 14th June 7 Jun 2012 | 06:21 pm
Philips has signed up for the ninth annual euroLED exhibition, gala dinner and conference. The Birmingham Science Park event for the LED (Light Emitting Diode) and solid state lighting industry is bei...