Most scifi related news are at:

Devinez qui sera le prochain Batman ?! 23 Aug 2013 | 02:43 pm
Christian Bale l'avait bien dit : il quitte son rôle de Batman, personnage qu'il a incarné à trois reprises dans la trilogie à succès de Christopher Nolan (Inception). Qui a donc été choisi pour inte....
Katee Sackhoff voudrait incarner Harley Quinn dans Man of Steel 2 22 Aug 2013 | 08:38 pm
Zack Snyder (Sucker Punch ; 300 : La naissance d'un Empire) l'a annoncé au Comic Con International : Man of Steel 2 sera l'occasion de réunir Superman et Batman dans un même film. Depuis, des question...
More scifi related news:
scifi metal punk rock band seeks drummer 15 May 2012 | 04:49 am
PREDATORS SciFi-Horror-Film 17 May 2010 | 09:11 pm
Im Juli läuft im Kino eine neue Episode des Horror-Science-Fiction-Films Predators an. Arnold Schwarzenegger ist zwar diesmal nicht mehr dabei, aber trotzdem ist der Horrorfilm Predators von Robert Ro...
SciFi Roundup: A List of Popular Space MMORPG Games for SF Fans 7 Feb 2012 | 07:05 pm
Most MMORPG games nowadays are fantasy but there are a few that are set in space. The gameplay is generally the same as most MMOs but instead of medieval castles, magic swords and dragons the science ...
Cowboys and Aliens Superbowl Spot 12 Feb 2011 | 06:21 am
Harrison Ford’s new scifi western Cowboys and Aliens opens this July! Here is the official trailer that aired during the superbowl. Enjoy! Related posts: A Time for Killing (1967) Now Available on A... 15 Sep 2009 | 01:00 pm
Im in hastings right now. I see a lot of fantasy/scifi books in the teen section but i see no melissa walker or i wanna be your joey ramone! No offense to those books. But please reprensent all areas ...
Nightmare Theater - The Hottest Films in Horror SciFi, & Cult Cinema 17 Jan 2011 | 01:04 pm
I am happy to present a new feature here at Nightmare Sound Laboratory! In case you haven't guessed it by now, I sort of have a thing for Horror movies, as well as Sci-Fi, Cult, Asian Cinema and, well...
SciFi vs Crepúsculo 14 Dec 2011 | 10:38 pm
Acabo de ver un vídeo para fliparlo. George Takei, William Shatner y Carrie Fisher se unen para denunciar lo pésima que es la saga de los vampiros que brillan y van al instituto. Siempre con el perm...
Majmok bolygója… 3 Sep 2011 | 09:56 am
Mint mindig, most is csak az események után kullogok. Az idei nyár legjobb(nak kikiáltott) scifi témájú filmje jórészt már lecsengett a mozikban, a nagy hírportálok kritikai rovataiban, valamint a blo...
Fantasy/SciFi/Paranormal 30 Dec 2005 | 03:25 pm
“Fantasy World” building questions Fantasy World Creators Fantasy World Map Generator
Transformers 3 will be excuse for Michael Bay, Doesn’t ? 7 Apr 2011 | 09:00 pm
Powered by Max Banner Ads Michael Bay accepted the blame for that Scifi action movie Transformers 2 is a poor quality. He explained that the issue of strike protests of these writers between Years 2...