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OTL: Episode #358- Inside Joe’s Barbershop, Streetsblog Chicago, Chicago Writers Conference Preview 21 Aug 2013 | 07:22 pm
TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “straight razor shave” radio station ...
OTL: Episode #357- Chicago Ticket Ninja, Mom is your #1 fan, The All Write Already! podcast 15 Aug 2013 | 05:20 pm
TO HEAR THE SHOW, PRESS THE “PLAY” BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST… (podcasting from the studios in the OTL Bunker, somewhere in Chicago) (broadcasting on the “call your mom” radio station WLUW-FM...
More scotland yard for apple related news:
Anonymous Hacker Arrested After British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) Hack 16 Mar 2012 | 05:53 am
According to a news release by Scotland Yard, officers from the Police Central e-Crime Unit (PeCU) arrested the man, who has been linked to the Anonymous hacktivist group, at an address in Wednesbury ...
Scotland Yard e-cops 'fighting to save Xmas' 22 Nov 2011 | 09:08 am
Players 31 Oct 2007 | 12:51 am
Para se tornar um jogador de qualquer jogo do Mangá Brasil, o usuário deverá enviar uma PM ao administrador! Games do site: Rpg Adventure Scotland Yard
Agentes britânicos que em Moscovo investigavam morte Litvinenko regressam a Londres. Autoridades Russas bloquearam investigação, afirmam 21 Dec 2006 | 05:45 pm
Os detectives da Scotland Yard que chegaram a Moscovo no dia 4 de Dezembro regressaram à Grã Bretanha. Públicamente a Scotland Yard agradeceu às autoridades Russas o apoio dado. Em privado porém font...
Terrorista idiota 10 May 2011 | 03:00 pm
Terrorista idiota Gutemberg M. Tavares* Sou eu hoje o Osama Bin La-den, um idiota terrorista. Consto como o primeiro na lista dos malfeitores mais procurados do mundo. Interpol, Scotland Yard, Mos-s...
For Your Eyes Only 3 Jul 2008 | 05:39 pm
*O relato a seguir é parte do dossiê do caso Villenflusser, atualmente arquivado no departamento de casos não-resolvidos da Scotland Yard, que ainda assombra as autoridades paulistanas, e resgatado do...
Scotland Yard Brettspiel von Ravensburger 3 May 2011 | 08:04 am
Scotand Yard ist ein Brettspiel was wirklich zu den Spieleklassikern zählt. Seit Jahrzehnten ist das Spiel schon auf dem Markt, genauer gesagt ist Scotland Yard als Spiel 1983 herausgekommen. Vertrieb...
SafeHarbor; eBay's Own Scotland Yard. 5 Feb 2011 | 03:27 am
SafeHarbor would be the eBay police division. When you break the rules, commit fraud or attempt to acquire some thing you're not supposed to, they'll be just after you. When you Do not Shell out. Th...
After Hackgate – towards a more citizen-led media 14 Jul 2011 | 08:33 am
From out of the wreckage caused by Hackgate, which has rocked Westminster, Fleet Street, and Scotland Yard alike, it is clear that a long-overdue programme of media reform must arise. What is unknown ...
Met considering weight loss hypnotherapy for overweight officers 27 Jan 2011 | 04:43 am
A superintendent at Scotland Yard is considering hiring a hypnotherapist, in a bid to tackle obesity levels among police officers. Superintendent Raj Kohli is thinking about using a cognitive hypnoth...