Most scrap yarn child purse pattern related news are at:
– Crochet Spot - Crochet Patterns, Tutorials and News
Join the Crochet Along! Win a Pattern! 27 Aug 2013 | 09:00 am
Exciting! My last ramble, Let’s Crochet Along, elicited a big response. The question was, “Do you want a quick & easy crochet along?” The answer was a resounding, “Yes!” Hooray!! I am happy to admini...
Crochet Pattern: Frog Security Blanket 25 Aug 2013 | 09:00 pm
There’s a new pattern in the Crochet Spot Store! This security blanket can be crocheted for boys and girls. The frog is a cute little friend that a child can tote around and cuddle with. The pattern r...