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Backup Website otomatis menggunakan script PHP, cPanel dan FTP 13 May 2010 | 11:04 pm
Berikut ini script PHP untuk melakukan proses backup website menggunakan cPanel dan FTP. Proses backup tersebut bisa dijalankan secara otomatis, dengan menambahkan script tersebut di crontab (Linux) a...
PHP: Come leggere un cookie serializzato con jQuery 17 Apr 2012 | 10:18 pm
Ipotizziamo di avere uno script jQuery che salva in un cookie il contenuto di un form (nell’esempio utilizzo jQuery Cookie) $.cookie('nomecookie',$('#form').serialize(), { expires: 1 }); In questo mod...
PHP Photo Album / Gallery 3 Nov 2011 | 05:33 am is an Open Source PHP script which allows you to create your personal Photo Album / Gallery in just a seconds. All you need is a web space hosting with FTP access. No database is needed. ...
Extraer base de datos MySql sin acceso a phpMyAdmin 2 Dec 2012 | 07:06 pm
Sencillo script que subido al servidor via ftp y ejecutado via url extrae la base de datos y la manda por correo. Salvar el script como extraedb.php y subirlo al servidor. [php] $creationstart=strtok(...