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NCAA Gets it Right with Steven Rhodes 20 Aug 2013 | 06:33 pm
After initially ruling former Middle Tennessee State football player Steven Rhodes ineligible because Rhodes played in an organized football league while serving in the United States Marine Corps, the...
Can I lose my Scholarship by Seeking Permission to Contact Another School? 19 Aug 2013 | 06:27 pm
Here’s a question that I was recently asked: Can a scholarship be canceled if a student-athlete asks for permission to contact another school during the award period? Or does it depend on the school p...
More seattle sports lawyer related news:
FIRST do a trademark search, THEN start using your mark 6 Dec 2011 | 08:33 pm
Michael Atkins, Seattle Trademark Lawyer: It’s good Bluebox Now was able to solve its problem and move on. It’s just too bad it had to suffer through what I imagine were at least a few stressful days...
Does a Juvenile DUI Offender Need a Seattle DUI Lawyer 12 May 2012 | 10:22 am
Author: Suneet Diwan Like all states, Seattle has strict rules when it comes to minors and driving while intoxicated or impaired by alcohol. Because the rules are so stringent when it comes to minors...
Sports Lawyers 14 Feb 2011 | 08:32 pm
Once upon a time, the most important aspect of sporting competition was winning; during the Ancient Greek Olympic Games, people would fight and people would die in pursuit of victory. A couple of hund...
Seattle Sports 2.5 Solar Tent Shower 3 May 2011 | 01:48 am
Seattle Sports 2.5 Solar Tent Shower The Seattle Sports 2.5 Solar Tent Shower is a solar shower bag that can be used with many different types of showering tents. As long as you’re using a tent that ...
Will Bankruptcy Discharge My Medical Debt? 19 Apr 2012 | 10:13 am
Filing for bankruptcy with Seattle bankruptcy lawyers is never an easy decision to come to. In fact, most people can struggle with the idea of whether to file for bankruptcy for months, if not years....
Should I Modify or Dismiss My Chapter 13 Bankruptcy? 11 Mar 2012 | 12:17 pm
There are several reasons why a debtor may need to file a chapter 13 bankruptcy with Seattle bankruptcy lawyers, however often times a chapter 13 may not be the best fit throughout the full term of th...
Redhook Is Not OK With The OKC Thunder. 9 Jun 2012 | 03:55 am
This is not Chief Seattle, nor is this guy actually Native American. But trust us, somewhere Chief Seattle cries real tears over the Sonics. For Seattle sports fans, one of the worst things that coul...
The Lakers Beat the Who? 25 Jan 2013 | 10:57 pm
Seattle sports fans recently rejoiced when the Maloof family announced that they have (finally) agreed to sell their stake in the Sacramento Kings to a Seattle-based investment group that (spoiler ale...
SEATTLE SPORTS:コイルドテザーでポールを落とさない 23 Aug 2013 | 05:30 am
以前から100円SHOPのコイルを改造してトレッキングポールを落とさないようにしていましたが、SEATTLE SPORTSからカッコイイのが出たので買ってしまいました。 写真撮影や行動食を食べる時にトレッキングポールが邪魔になり 体などのに立てかけますが滑って倒れ、拾うのがとっても面倒! 特に重い荷物を背負った時は一苦労・・・ 初めは細引きで体と結びつけましたが、降りの時に邪魔になる このコイル...
ESPN Lawyers Up! 1 Apr 2011 | 10:16 am
The following are some of the most important sports headlines that have taken place during this week. Stay tuned for more news from Pay per Head Solutions. NFL: Plaintiff against the League Gets Invi...