Most seattle startups related news are at:

Microsoft’s next CEO needs to consider these 10 changes 27 Aug 2013 | 09:59 am
BY AL HILWA Steve Ballmer announcing his intent to leave Microsoft was unexpected and potentially a watershed moment for the company and also for the industry. The shift of a major tech company from ...
Portland becomes first U.S. city allowing riders to buy transit tickets with a smartphone 27 Aug 2013 | 05:32 am
Starting next Wednesday in Portland, public transit riders can say goodbye to paper tickets and hello to proof of payment via your smartphone. TriMet, Oregon’s largest provider of bus, light rail and...
More seattle startups related news:
Companion Is The New Assistant 14 May 2012 | 04:04 pm
Companion Is The New Assistant Editor’s note: Andy Hickl is the co-founder and CEO of A.R.O., a stealth mode Seattle startup. He previously served as CEO and chief scientist of Language Computer Corpo...
The Startup Pitch Competition is On at the Seattle Startup Conference 10 Jan 2012 | 01:41 pm
Do you live in Seattle and want to raise money for your startup? Enter the pitch competition at the Startup Conference, taking place on Feb 16th, 2012 in downtown Seattle. 10 startups will be selecte...
Seattle start-ups are claiming that Amazon is making it difficult to hire! 6 May 2013 | 10:44 pm
A giant sucking sound: Seattle startup CEOs say Amazon is sucking up all of the tech talent in the city. It’s tough enough to do a startup, let alone when you’re competing for talent against a juggern...
Redfin hosts Seattle Startup Weekend 2013 12 Jun 2013 | 12:26 am
54 hours. For many, that might be enough time for a relaxing trip to the beach or a weekend with friends, but for the 106 developers, designers, and businesspeople who descended on Redfin’s headquart...
Who Makes Seattle? We Make Seattle. 8 Aug 2013 | 12:19 am
A cool new project about the Seattle creative community hit Kickstarter recently. It’s called We Make Seattle. Given the fact I am an entrepreneur, founder of a Seattle startup and now founder of a ...
Amazing Abstract Album Covers from the 1950s 10 Oct 2010 | 09:18 pm
I find it so hard to believe that these covers are 50+ years old. Some of them look downright modern. The following six covers were chosen by David Day who own Jive Time Records in Seattle, WA. He als...
Case Studies: How we came up with and drew origami logos for LondonClasses 6 Jun 2011 | 09:46 pm
The purpose of LondonClasses social network lies in connecting people who teach certain classes with those who need such classes. The author of the startup approached us for a logo, which would reflec...
Deutsche Blogosphäre bald auch als Print? 3 Nov 2011 | 10:49 pm
Ein neues Startup-Unternehmen will den Sprung schaffen, Inhalte der deutschen Blogosphäre in eine Printversion zu bringen. Auf der Gründerseite ‚‘ stellt sich das Projekt ‚der blogger‘ vor...
Seeking a lab 11 May 2009 | 10:00 pm
I’m working on a startup to develop a new pharmaceutical drug, and I need a lab to help with some of the development and testing. I figure the Thinkgene community might be able to help me out. I’m goi...
Wednesday Wandering 7 Apr 2011 | 01:00 pm
The yarn revolution is in full flower. From seat coverings on New York and San Francisco subways to lamp posts in trendy West Seattle, soon enough yarncore hi-jinks will be as voguish as all-girls' ro...