Most secret island related news are at:

First Spartan Race in Hawaii! 20 Aug 2013 | 07:50 am
This past weekend Kualoa Ranch hosted their first ever Spartan Race! Cars were pulling in as early as 6:00am and participants had to trek over a mile from the parking lot just to get to the starting a...
Cow Time, Chow Time 1 Aug 2013 | 01:14 am
I’m pleased to introduce to you the lovely Eddie, Fanny, Ginger, and Haulani. It’s chow time for our newborns here at the Ranch! These newborns are hungry and ready to eat. Kawena and I went to koku...
More secret island related news:
Bio-zombie 7 Mar 2012 | 01:05 pm
To view the flash content, please go to Bio-zombie An original game Our hero, Bruce, was a retired soldier who was detained in a sleep chamber on a secret island laboratory.When he rega...
Squeeballs Party for Nintendoo Wii: Reasonably Price Pick 15 Dec 2009 | 03:47 am
Squeeballs are toys made on a secret island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Before they can be sold, they must be tested and only the best squeeballs make it off the island. You are the tester and mus...
Maldives' Filhalhohi Islands 31 Jul 2008 | 08:03 pm
Tagged as the "Island of Dreams", Filhalhohi is the one of Maldives' secret island getaway. A 35 kilometer drive from Male, this islet measures about450 meters in length and 250 meters in width so sma...
PAPUA 3D The secret island of the cannibals 6 Jun 2013 | 03:09 pm
Papua, the home island of the cannibals in the far Pacific ocean. Guinea contains many islands which are significantly diversified: enormous mountains, highlands, swamps and huge rocks alternate. The ...
[G] Take a stroll through abandoned “Battleship Island” on Google Maps 29 Jun 2013 | 01:46 am
Google Lat Long: Take a stroll through abandoned “Battleship Island” on Google Maps Do you remember the villain’s secret island hideout in the latest James Bond movie Skyfall, the one that looked lik...
Тайны планеты Земля. Папуа: Секретный остров каннибалов / Papua - The Secret Island Of The Cannibals (2013) DVDRip 3 Jul 2013 | 06:34 pm
В наши дни Папуа-Новая Гвинея представляет собой практически неизвестный европейскому туристу край неисследованной земли и уникальной природы. "Папуа — Секретный остров каннибалов" — прекрасная возмож...
Join ‘A Secret Party’ 18 Aug 2013 | 06:30 pm
Can you imagine a distant secret island where dead celebrities party? What kind of party would this be if the list of guests included Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Jimi Hendrix, Albert Einstein, JFK...
Ko Tao: Secret Island Paradise No More? 18 Aug 2013 | 06:13 pm
Active Backpacker | Ko Tao: Secret Island Paradise No More? This is a guest post brought to you by Mark over at My Funky Travel, it’s nice to read about Ko Tao and the Thai islands from another trave...
Video: My Secret Island – Sheila 18 Aug 2013 | 07:32 pm
Vergangenes Jahr fand sich an dieser Stelle eine Besprechung der Single I Miss The Day von My Secret Island. Damals gefiel uns die B-Seite Sheila noch besser als die A-Seite. Da kommen wir nicht umhin...
Gowlland Tod Provincial Park 29 Feb 2012 | 06:38 pm
Tweet Gowlland Tod Provincial Park is one of my favourite spots on Vancouver Island. It is located just south of Brentwood Bay, on the west part of the Saanich Peninsula. The park encompasses the G...