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More secure ftp port related news:
Core FTP Server 1.2.407 26 Oct 2011 | 05:32 am
Core FTP Server - secure FTP server with SSL/TLS/FTPS, SSH/SFTP, HTTPS support, virtual paths, access rules, certificate authentication and much more... Easy, quick setup allows you to start sharing y...
ASME Cover of the Year Nominees Leaked 24 Aug 2007 | 12:06 pm
The nominees, much less winners, won’t be announced for a couple months, but a tipster tells us the American Society of Magazine Editors have a less-than-secure FTP site for submissions to their annua...
FTP Compatibility 11 Apr 2012 | 04:04 am
ShareFile is compatible with most well-known FTP clients. This means you can connect to your ShareFile account using an FTP program. You can choose to connect via traditional FTP (port 21) or ov ...
FTP: Windows 11 Apr 2012 | 04:01 am
ShareFile is compatible with most well-known FTP clients. This means you can connect to your ShareFile account using an FTP program. You can choose to connect via traditional FTP (port 21) or ov ...
Download Filezilla 3.5.2 - Fast and Secure FTP Client Free 28 Nov 2011 | 05:20 pm
vsFTPd un serveur FTP hautement sécurisé 5 Jan 2011 | 05:42 am
Après avoir présenté pureftpd, je vous présente aujourd’hui vsFTPd. vsFTPd signifie « Very Secure FTP daemon », c’est un serveur FTP réputé pour sa sécurité disponible sous Unix et Linux : aucune fail...
Serve FTP with Python and PyFilesystem 25 Apr 2012 | 09:54 pm
Ben Timby has committed code to PyFilesystem that lets you expose any filesystem over FTP. We've had the ability to serve filesystems over SFTP (secure ftp) and XMLRPC for a while, but plain old FTP w...
TurboSoft - Secure FTP/SFTP client, FTP/SFTP/HTTPS Server, SDK software 9 Jul 2009 | 07:46 am
Welcome to TurboSoft. We develop secure file transfer client and server products and by which we offer manageable, scalable, automated file transfer solutions, based on FTP, HTTPS, SFTP protocols. Con...
vsftpd拒绝服务漏洞 5 Mar 2011 | 11:31 pm
很多用*nix作为网站服务器系统的童鞋一般都是用的vsftpd来提供ftp服务的吧?如果是,那很不幸,vsftpd出漏洞了,任何人都能远程把你的ftp服务弄挂掉。别着急,往下看。 漏洞描述: vsftpd是Very Secure FTP daemon的缩写,是UNIX类平台上安全的FTP服务器。 vsftpd在处理ls.c时存在远程拒绝服务漏洞,远程攻击者可利用此漏洞造成受影响应用程序崩溃,拒...
如何在centos 5 yum安装与配置vsFTPd FTP服务器 11 Apr 2012 | 03:47 am
什么是vsftpd vsftpd是一款在Linux发行版中最受推崇的FTP服务器程序。特点是小巧轻快,安全易用。 vsftpd 的名字代表”very secure FTP daemon”, 安全是它的开发者 Chris Evans 考虑的首要问题之一。在这个 FTP 服务器设计开发的最开始的时候,高安全性就是一个目标。 安装vsftpd 1、以管理员(root)身份执行以下命令 yum ...