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Security First Insurance Opens Agency in Valentine 26 Jun 2013 | 12:30 am
Security First Insurance is pleased to announce the opening of its newest agency in Valentine, NE. With the opening, SFI now has a total of eight locations. SFI agent, Janette Duffield will man the V...
Successful Results for First Annual Cindy Renner Blood Drive 16 Apr 2013 | 02:00 am
On April 1st, Security First Bank’s Red Rock Branch in Lincoln held the First Annual Cindy Renner Blood Drive. Over 76 people showed up and 61 were actually able to donate. The blood collected from t...
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Security First Bank in Beatrice Donates to School 8 Feb 2012 | 06:02 am
As the new pressbox and concession stand building rises above the new stadium at Beatrice High School, the barometer measuring the facility’s fundraising campaign continues to rise as well. On Monday...
Security First to Expand to Chadron; Hires Clayton Riesen 14 Jul 2011 | 07:48 am
Chadron, NE – Clayton Riesen has been named senior vice president at Security First Bank. Riesen, a Nebraska native and graduate of Chadron State College, has been a Chadron-area banker since 1991, ...
Security First Bank Puts On “Cash For College” Event 10 Oct 2012 | 03:28 am
Security First Bank in Cozad recently held their “Cash For College” Event. Students at Cozad High School registered for a chance to earn $500 towards any post secondary education. During a Cozad footb...
Security First Bank Sponsors Youth Character Awards 16 Apr 2013 | 01:28 am
Security First Bank in Beatrice helped sponsor “The Umbrella of Good Character” event where the Youth Character Awards were given to four outstanding middle and high school students. The awards honor ...
Successful Results for First Annual Cindy Renner Blood Drive 16 Apr 2013 | 02:00 am
On April 1st, Security First Bank’s Red Rock Branch in Lincoln held the First Annual Cindy Renner Blood Drive. Over 76 people showed up and 61 were actually able to donate. The blood collected from t...
Establishing Business Credit – Step 6: Fix and Improve Your Business Credit 23 Apr 2012 | 03:10 am
A bad credit rating can damage your business in several ways. First, bank loans are out of the question if you run afoul of your financial responsibilities. That means you have to pay cash for everyth...
History of the U.S. National Banking System Part 2 13 Apr 2012 | 10:42 am
The Second Bank of the United States was the second and last central bank before the Federal Reserve was created. The Second Bank was established by Congress only 5 years after the First Bank of the U...
Old Town Temecula Home Page 12 Feb 2010 | 10:57 am
Old Town Temecula has been around since 1882 when the California Railroad came through the valley and local investors created the first Bank, and retains many historical features. It's an absolute del...
Tips for Safe Internet Banking 31 May 2011 | 05:00 pm
Internet banking, banking services in the virtual world is more and more popular. Practically, the reason the majority of its users. But how about security? The bank would have to think carefully bef...
Implications of Sovereign Debt Default 9 Dec 2011 | 08:11 am
With recent events, it seems like Basel III is not doing much to prevent another financial meltdown. To share a bit of background first, banks must hold capital depending on the risk-weights: the high...