Most select case related news are at:

Mal was zum lachen für Zwischendurch. 28 Apr 2013 | 08:44 pm
Hi, Nach langer, langer ja wirklich sehr langer Pause hier mal wieder ein Beitrag. Nichts Weltbewegendes. Nur einen Link zu einer Liste wirklich guter Programmiererwitze die ich gefunden habe. Prog...
Nebebenverdienst mit einem Abo-System 10 Jan 2011 | 06:34 am
[Trigami-Anzeige] Immer wieder fragt man sich ob man nicht etwas Geld im Internet verdienen kann. Dabei findet man bei der Suche nach „Geld verdienen im Internet“ sehr viel Schrott. Manchmal findet m...
More select case related news:
Visual Basic.Net De Multiple Select Case (Çoklu Seçim) 11 Dec 2010 | 07:00 am
Yapısı verilen bir değişkenin aldığı değer ya da değer aralığına göre seçim yapmak için kullanılır. Yukarıdaki programda ortalama giriliyor ve bu ortalamaya göre çan eğrisi not sisteminde aldığınız o...
PSA: 30% Off Discount Code for Select Items. 7 Mar 2013 | 10:06 pm
Yesterday we announced that due to changes in production costs, prices for select cases had to be increased. With such short notice we've decided to thank our fans and customers for their loyalty and ...
Antianaerobic Antimicrobials: Spectrum and Susceptibility Testing [Reviews] 3 Jul 2013 | 06:49 pm
SUMMARY Susceptibility testing of anaerobic bacteria recovered from selected cases can influence the choice of antimicrobial therapy. The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) has standa...
VBscript to search ftp (Script_Sj) 8 Jul 2013 | 06:21 pm
Hey all, I am attempting to search downloaded ftp files. there are a lot of items to check and wondered if a select case statements best. also I need it to search multiple files not sure. Sorry if it'...
Aiuto per funzione SELECT CASE 27 Aug 2013 | 02:39 pm
Ciao a tutti, ho la seguente domanda, prendendo spunto da un esempio trovato in rete L'esempio è il seguente (ok, è chiarissimo) Select Case LRegion Case "N" LRegionName = "North" Case "S" LReg...
select case when sorgusundan iki alan döndürmek 27 Aug 2013 | 03:59 am
Merhabalar elimde 4 sütunlu bir tablo var. sutun1, sutun2, sutun3 ve sutun4 adlarında. Yaptığım sorgulamada sutun1 deki değer 1 ise sutun2 yi değil ise sutun1 i alıyorum. Buraya kadar herşey normal iş...
Aiuto per funzione SELECT CASE 27 Aug 2013 | 02:39 pm
Ciao a tutti, ho la seguente domanda, prendendo spunto da un esempio trovato in rete L'esempio è il seguente (ok, è chiarissimo) Select Case LRegion Case "N" LRegionName = "North" Case "S" LReg...
Save Up to 60% Off At Our Back To School Sale! 23 Aug 2013 | 08:59 pm
Save up to 60% on select products Use code: BACK2URSTYLE 60% off select notebooks & notepads 50% off select mugs, magnets & mousepads 40% off select cases, sleeves & skins 30% off select clothing...
Save Up to 60% Off At Our Back To School Sale! 23 Aug 2013 | 08:59 pm
Save up to 60% on select products Use code: BACK2URSTYLE 60% off select notebooks & notepads 50% off select mugs, magnets & mousepads 40% off select cases, sleeves & skins 30% off select clothing...
Advertisers still obsessed with click-throughs -- ZDNet 28 Oct 2011 | 04:27 pm
The onus is on the advertiser to select a manageable range of appropriate metrics that will most accurately measure the achievements of the campaigns against the goals they have set, he added. Leonar...