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Selena Gomez – Slow Down (Audio) 4 Jun 2013 | 06:47 am
Selena Gomez’ Song ‘Slow Down’ is the follow up to ‘Come And Get It’ and 2nd Single of her upcoming album. Do you prefer ‘Slow Down’ to ‘Come and Get It’? Listen to ‘Slow Down’ here! Let us know what ...
Save The Day Chords- Selena Gomez 17 Jul 2013 | 10:40 am
Song: Save The Day Singer: Selena Gomez Album: Stars Dance Release Date: Jul 23, 2013 Language: English Country: United States (Dm)Kiss the moon goodbye But don't close your (C)eyes your eyes (Dm)It...
Like A Champion Chords- Selena Gomez 16 Jul 2013 | 11:34 pm
Song: Like A Champion Lyrics Singer: Selena Gomez Album: Stars Dance Release Date: Jul 23, 2013 Language: English Country: United States Tonight (Am)become alive (C)Stand up cause you (F)got the pri...
come and get it 22 Aug 2013 | 04:04 pm
the neighbour’s daughter, a teenager, was singing aloud to a selena gomez song, and asked the kids if they knew it. the boy went, “that’s justin bieber’s girlfriend!” the girl went, “no, that’s just...
Selena Gomez en la Revista Bravo 21 Mar 2012 | 02:17 am
La nueva Diosa Teen de Disney Channel posó para la revista Bravo y por supuesto sus fotos estan en el Paraiso... ella es Selena Gomez! Ella fue la portada de la revista juvenil más leida en Alemania.....
[FB banner] Selena Gomez 18 Apr 2012 | 04:49 am
Hola aquí les traigo otro banner =) ya saben que hacer: 1° clic derecho guardar imagen 2° entra a tu facebook y sube la imagen =) URL:
Call Me Maybe interpretata da Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale, Big Time Rush 25 Feb 2012 | 05:22 am
Date un'occhiata al video caricato da Carlos Peña, di Big Time Rush, con protagonisti Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ashley Tisdale, Kendall Schmidt, Logan Henderson e altri, che interpretano "Call Me M...
Selena Gomez e il suo tatuaggio a forma di cuore! 25 Feb 2012 | 05:05 am
Sembra essere diventata una moda negli ultimi anni, infatti anche Selena Gomez si è unita alla lista delle celebrità che hanno un tatuaggio. La bellissima interprete di “Love You Like a Love Song" si...
Bądź jak Selena gomez... 29 Sep 2008 | 05:08 am
Selena Gomez Wiem, ze imponują wam gwiazdy. Zwłaszcza te z Disneya, a szczególnie Selena. Jest śliczna i modnie się ubiera. Spróbuj naśladować jej styl, jeśli nie masz pojęcia w co się ubrać. A potem ...
6 latek... oja,oj 29 Sep 2008 | 01:11 am
Selena Gomez za młodu! Urocza gwiazdka w wieku 6 lat... Miła i sympatyczna Selena Gomen już od najmłodszych lat stawiała kroki w świecie telewizji. Jakiś czas temu Kotek pokazał wam serial sprze...