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More semantic moncton blog related news:
What can Semantic web do for you? 28 Nov 2007 | 08:57 pm
Hello everybody! It's been a long time since I visited my own blog and I am happy that my 941 readers are still subscribed to my feed! It was one of my newly acquired interests (or should I say craze?...
Flip it to High blog announcement 31 Jul 2010 | 05:31 pm
I'm trying an experiment with ConsumerBase which I call Semantic Keyword Expansion. I've created a blog I'd like to announce called Flip it to High. On this blog I'm promoting the Vitamix blender. I'v...
Google Semantic Keyword List For Real Estate Agents To Blog With 24 May 2012 | 09:44 am
Post from: WordPress Real Estate Theme Google Semantic Keyword List For Real Estate Agents To Blog With This video explains what this Google semantic keyword list for real estate is for. Get the lis...
Sydney Semantic Web Group 20 Mar 2010 | 04:49 pm
If you live in Sydney and you read this blog, then I suggest you join the “Sydney semantic web group” and come to our meet-ups. Sydney didn’t have a monthly SemWeb event so I started one up with the s...
Post vs. Entry 31 Mar 2010 | 01:04 am
Nevermind the semantic differences between ‘post’ and ‘entry’ in relation to blogging, there’s a much more real problem in determining which of the two to go with when you’re designing a theme framewo...
Work From Home Ideas Moncton 11 May 2012 | 04:59 am
Well I guess I got a little slack with changing my passwords on my work from home blog as my site was hacked. I thought I had fixed the problem but it actually wasn’t fixed and has reared it’s ugly he...
Organize the Information Contain in your Blog - Social Information Management 2 Oct 2012 | 10:38 am
Review on It is a semantic way to arrange social content. If you wish to organize the information contained in your blog or site and if you are interested in optimizing the organization...
WordPress - MoonLight > Responsive WordPress Theme | ThemeForest - 3122485 22 Nov 2012 | 10:11 am
Moonlight is an elegant and clean template for any kind of blog and professinal or personal portfolio. Built with semantic HTML5 and CSS3 , Moonlight has a fully responsive layout that works perfe...
Semantic content enhancements with Drupal, Apache Stanbol and VIE.js 14 Dec 2012 | 05:02 pm
As previously announced on the IKS blog I’ve been recently working together with Stéphane Corlosquet on integrating the tools provided by the IKS project to do semantic content enhancements in Drupal ...
Seven Arguments for Semantic Technologies 25 Feb 2013 | 02:07 pm
A popular post on this blog has been the Seven Pillars of the Open Semantic Enterprise. That article described the building blocks – or foundations – to a semantic enterprise, at least from my own per...