Most semi accurate related news are at:

XBox One details in pictures 26 Aug 2013 | 11:12 pm
Microsoft outed some technical details about the XBox One SoC today at Hot Chips 25. Read more ▶ The post XBox One details in pictures appeared first on SemiAccurate.
A third player emerges: Apple’s Foundry Plans 26 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm
There is some interesting news in the world of foundries and once again it centers around Apple and another mystery player. While SemiAccurate was the first to tell you about their last two foundry mo...
More semi accurate related news:
Advertisers still obsessed with click-throughs -- ZDNet 28 Oct 2011 | 04:27 pm
The onus is on the advertiser to select a manageable range of appropriate metrics that will most accurately measure the achievements of the campaigns against the goals they have set, he added. Leonar...
Chicagoans, Dr. Blackmarr and the R.M.S. Titanic 15 Apr 2012 | 02:06 am
Today marks the anniversary of the sinking of the luxury liner R.M.S. Titanic on April 14, 1912.(More accurately, Titanic struck the iceberg on April 14th, but sank on April 15th.) A List of Chicagoan...
In C Remixed - Grand Valley State University New Music Ensemble 4 Jan 2010 | 05:06 am
Tracks: 01 - In C - Semi-Detached (Jack Dangers Remix) 02 - Bints Mix (Michael Lowenstern Remix) In C Remixed is the latest project from the Grand Valley State University New Music Ensemble, the corn...
Preview web pages across multiple browsers and operating systems 3 Jun 2010 | 07:37 am
BrowserLab An easier, faster way to do cross-browser testing that integrates with Creative Suite 5 Accurately pinpoint compatibility issues and compare web pages at a glance to easily identify diffe...
I’m so loaded I can afford a semi-luxury weekend getaway to Colorado once a month 18 Apr 2012 | 06:31 am
Just thought I’d put that out there should a hot babe be reading this and pondering over whether I’m somebody she might want to get to know, if ya know what I mean (and I think you do.) Anyhoo, I do ...
Niche Site Duel #1: I am in… 12 Jan 2011 | 10:37 am
After reading what begun as a contest between Pat Flynn and Tyrone Shum has turned in to an epic battle and challenge which interests many experienced and semi-experienced online marketers, and of cou...
BARCELONA v CHELSEA LIVE STREAM Champions League Semifinal 2nd Leg (April 24, 2012) 24 Apr 2012 | 12:25 pm
FC Barcelona v Chelsea Live Stream Online. Chevatona weblog gives you the opportunity to watch Barcelona vs Chelsea Live Streaming (24/04/2012), in the Champions League semi-final second leg. The matc...
MacBook Touch 30 Mar 2012 | 07:30 am
MacBook Touch Le designer Olivier Terrise a publié une vidéo d'un concept relativement intéressant d'un MacBook Touch. Ce modèle dispose d'une charnière centrale semi-rigide qui évolue sur 360°. L'ut...
TRUE : Script Pages for Series Finale Leaked? 3 May 2010 | 12:27 am
Update: 3rd May I've spoken to a couple of my sources who have read the scripts and they have confirmed that these are 100% accurate and real. Thanks to LPFreak64 for ordering the call sheet by scene...
TRUE : Leaked Finale Call Sheet - Real or Fake? (UPDATE) 23 Apr 2010 | 12:46 pm
Update Confirmed as real. UPDATE: According to our sources, we can confirm that indeed some of the items seem legit, but NOT everything is accurate. So PLEASE for those that do not want to be partial...