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From Now Until 31 Aug : BookXcess Sale 27 Aug 2013 | 06:43 am
From Now Until 31 August 2013 BookXcess Sale Celebrate BookXcess’ FantaSixth Anniversary 6 years of making The Impossible possible! Limited Anniversary Specials Save 89% on Lord of the Rings & Th...
Expedia Birthday Deals 27 Aug 2013 | 06:42 am
Expedia Birthday Deals Pay only RM1* for your holidays NOW! Book today for a chance to have the cost of your trip reduced to just RM1!! One Winner Everyday! Booking Period : Now – 8 September 2013...
More seng heng related news:
Jeg liker ikke natten 23 Oct 2010 | 09:21 am
Snart skal jeg legge meg….. i den store, digre dobbeltsengen. Av og til er det som jeg får panikk og føler at jeg drukner i den store sengen. Jeg burde hatt en mindre seng…. Når jeg slukker lyset grip...
Citrin, nydelig krystall til sommeren 13 Apr 2012 | 07:59 pm
Citrin og oksidert sølv. Krystallen er helt lys gul. Den passer veldig godt til oksidert sølv, og til gull. Tre anheng på samme smykke, da kan du mixe selv, hvor mange du vil henge på samtidig. Øredob...
Travelling Teddy Bears 15 Mar 2012 | 12:02 am
Have you ever seen a furry teddy sitting on a plinth in Trafalgar square? Or perhaps a small teddy bear posing for a photo in front of the rocks at stone Henge? Or even some small paw prints in the sn...
Merlion Park Singapore Tourism Destination Alternative 30 Jul 2011 | 01:29 pm
The statue measures 8.6 meters tall and weighs 70 tonnes, the Merlion statue was built from a mixture of cement Singapore craftsman, Lim Nang Seng Mr. Merlion statue, the second highest, less than two...
SoL European Forum 24 Apr 2012 | 04:48 am
SelfLeaders är stolt sponsor och workshophållare på SoL European Forum den 21-23 maj 2012, där bl.a. Peter Senge medverkar! Hans managementböcker om organisationsförändring och -utveckling har sålts i...
TAHNIAH, Malaysia Naib Johan Berpasukan Wanita - Kej PP Commonwealth 27 May 2009 | 03:04 am
National Team : Shakrin, Chai Kian Beng, Kho Moh Seng, Beh Lee Wei, Choo Siu Jinn,Ng Sock Kim In the women’s team event last week, Malaysia were the runners-up to Singapore. FINAL : MALAYSIA(MAS) ...
Johan Perseorangan Kebangsaan - Muhd Shakirin Ibrahim & Ng Shock Kim 7 Jul 2007 | 09:54 pm
Muhd Shakirin berjaya menjuarai acara perseorangan lelaki setelah menewaskan Kho Moh Seng 4-0 dalam Kejohanan Pingpong Kebangsaan di Kuala Terengganu baru-baru ini. Tahniah Syakirin, ini adalah kali k...
Chinese Flute (Di Zi 笛子) 5 May 2012 | 04:10 am
Known originally to the ancient Chinese people as 横吹 Heng Chui (horizontal blow), the 笛子 Di Zi was renamed 横笛 Heng Di (horizontal flute) and finally 笛子 Di Zi. This instrument was popular even before t...
Travelling Teddy Bears 20 Mar 2012 | 04:20 am
Have you ever seen a furry teddy sitting on a plinth in Trafalgar square? Or perhaps a small teddy bear posing for a photo in front of the rocks at stone Henge? Or even some small paw prints in the sn...
PDRM Police Brutality 36 5 May 2012 | 02:23 pm
One of our readers Seng Mee, has shared these videos with us, and take a look at how low one can stoop and these are legalized thugs in this country.. No respect for religion and they continued their...