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24 תבניות פרמיום לוורדפרס עם תמיכה בכיוון שפה (עברית) 24 Jan 2013 | 04:08 am
24 תבניות פרמיום, לא חינמיות ביער התבניות (קישור בסוף הפוסט). חלקן פותחו ע"י כותבים/מעצבים מוכשרים ממדינות ערב, שגם שם נהוג כיוון הכתיבה הלא שיגרתי, האם זו בעיה פוטנציאלית? כלומר לא רק שאפשר לקבל וירו...
תבנית וורדפרס wp_kinetic 21 Oct 2011 | 11:03 am
תבנית לא חינמית של Rockettheme, תומכת בכיוון שפה מימין לשמאל, מבוססת על תבנית הפריימוורק של רוקט Gantry כוללת מספר רב של סכמות צבעים, אפשרויות עיצוב, איזורי ווידגטים ווידגטים מתקדמים דרך התפריט העלי...
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WordPress SEO: Only Display RSS Titles In Sidebar 4 Mar 2012 | 02:55 am
Posted on One Tip A Day - What Will You Learn Today? One basic SEO tip is to increase the density of your keywords on your pages, so I was surprised to find that the default behaviour of the WordPres...
SEO Tips from Finggle SEO Workshop 23 Jul 2010 | 09:10 pm
I’ve had an intriguing 2 days at the Finggle SEO Workshop. Here are some of the top tips I’ve learnt from the SEO trainer. Know Your Purpose – Before you craft your first HTML tag, decide on the purp...
Blog SEO tips for unlimited traffic to your website 23 Apr 2012 | 11:42 pm
SEO has changed with the Google Panda updates Most people have their own blog these days, but most are not sure what SEO is needed to get traffic to their blog Find out the 5 things that will result...
SEO Tips Are Key To Rank Higher And Pull More Website Traffic 6 Dec 2011 | 03:34 pm
You will always want to generate more traffic to your website in order to increase the potential for profits. The best way to make your site more accessible to those you are trying to reach is to use ...
Learning These Tips to Increase Traffic 4 Feb 2011 | 07:06 pm
There are basically lots of SEO advice you can ask to get traffic to your website, but the best SEO tips you should follow is to get organic traffic directly from search engines. So you must optimize...
SEO TIP: Use Separate IP Addresses If You Interlink Your Sites 5 Mar 2012 | 07:30 pm
Posted on Connected Internet - tech, mobile and gaming news. I’ve had my own dedicated server for over 5 years now after outgrowing VPS solutions a long time ago. I’m with my third server provider n...
9 Essential SEO Tips for Small Business in 2011 3 Jan 2011 | 06:32 am
9 Essential SEO Tips for Small Business in 2011 1. Keyword Phrases. One word phrases are a thing of the past time. Yes, it is important to have fixed or specific keywords targeted as they relate to y...
[SEO Tips] Search Engine Optimised Titles 20 Jul 2010 | 05:18 am
This article will explain the best ways to utilise the Title tag of your web page effectively in terms of Search Engine Optimisation. Right, assuming you know your targeted keyword, it is vital for i...
[SEO Tips] – Search Engine Optimised Images 27 Jun 2010 | 02:35 pm
This SEO article will explain how to search engine optimise images, and how it can help drive traffic to your website. Most webmasters do not realise it, but SEO can be implemented with images on you...
Drupal SEO Tips page 21 Nov 2008 | 09:14 am Daniel Zivkovic of Jasmina Homes spoke at the November 2008 Toron...