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Le nucléaire, un secteur d'excellence de l'industrie française 26 Aug 2013 | 04:37 am
Avec un parc de 58 réacteurs, le deuxième après les Etats-Unis, la France possède une expertise mondialement reconnue dans le secteur nucléaire, fruit de l'engagement et de l'investissement constants ...
Visite de l'Ambassadeur au Centre Saint Joseph 13 Aug 2013 | 11:16 am
M. Jérôme Pasquier, Ambassadeur de France en Corée, s'est rendu, lundi 12 août, au centre médical Saint Joseph. Il était accompagné par le Consul, M. Arnold Rocke. M. Pasquier est au centre médical S...
More seoul related news:
New shows 29 May 2010 | 02:32 am
New shows have been added to Stéphane’s schedule. On June 5th and 6th, he will be participating in the Medalists on Ice show in Seoul, South Korea, and on August 20th, he will be skating at the openin...
Technical News - 19 Dec 2011 20 Dec 2011 | 06:37 am
5 Leadership Lessons From Tim Tebow's Game-Time Audio December 18, 2011 Guest post written by Kevin Kruse North Korean leader Kim Jong-il dead, son hailed as heir December 18, 2011 SEOUL (Reuters) ...
Australia and Korea meet on Green Growth 14 May 2012 | 01:25 pm
ATSE attends bilateral Green Growth workshops in Seoul on Impacts of Climate Change on Urban Living
City Hunter 14 Apr 2012 | 03:30 pm
Based on the manga "City Hunter" by Tsukasa Hojo - published by Shueisha in the Weekly Shounen Jump from 1985 to 1991. The story takes place in Seoul, 2011. Lee Yoon Sung is a talented MIT-graduate w...
Lady Gaga to wear an Armani piano on her head 23 Apr 2012 | 06:07 pm
It looks as if Lady Gaga will wear a piano — or at least a facsimile of a keyboard — on her head on her upcoming Born This Way Ball tour, which starts in Seoul on April 27. Giorgio Armani, who first d...
►►Suju’s Eunhyuk shows support to DBSK’s HoMin 9 Jan 2011 | 08:03 am
Super Junior’s Eunhyuk went to watch senior TVXQ’s comeback stage personally (,) showing support. Yesterday on the 7th, Eunhyuk went down to Seoul KBS building personally to watch the live comeback s...
British Airways to start Seoul flights 14 May 2012 | 11:00 am
British Airways is to start flights to Seoul in December.
McBibimbap (Fancy McDonald’s VI) by Erik of Fancy Fast... 24 Aug 2011 | 01:34 am
McBibimbap (Fancy McDonald’s VI) by Erik of Fancy Fast Food (with support from Emily Feinberg and some assistance from Hong Choi) On a trip to Seoul, my Korean friend pointed out that many young Kore...
R16 x Style2ouf 3 Dec 2011 | 09:31 am
Tony et Syl20 de l’équipe Style2ouf était en Corée du Sud en Juin dernier pour le festival R16 Korea, un des gros jam dans l’année. Filmé dans les rues de Séoul, voici la video qu’ils ont réalisé pour...
BEADY EYE RETURN TO KOREA 30 Mar 2012 | 03:00 pm
Beady Eye have confirmed a second festival date in the far east over the weekend of 27-29th July performing at the Jisan Valley Rock Festival in Seoul. Tickets for the three day festival are on sale ...