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Art of the Cover - Dan Haywood’s New Hawks' "Dan Haywood’s New Hawks" (2011) 27 Aug 2013 | 11:33 am
Beautiful, ambiguous, sparse, stark artwork. And the songs on the excellent Dan Haywood’s New Hawks are often as stark and resolute as the barren landscape depicted in the album art. A collection in...
Art of the Cover - Heirlooms of August's "Down at the 5-Star" (2013) 26 Aug 2013 | 10:19 pm
Beautiful Rembrant-esque still-life artwork adorns the spanking new sophomore phcollection of truly beautiful music from Heirlooms of August - aka one Jerry Vessel - released on Mark Kozelek’s Caldo ...
More serge gainsbourg mediafire related news:
Povestile melodiilor: Je t’aime, moi non plus – Serge Gainsbourg 21 Nov 2010 | 11:12 am
Serge Gainsbourg (născut Lucien Ginsburg) a fost unul dintre cei mai interesanţi muzicieni francezi, rămas în memorie prin polivalenţa artistică dar şi prin extraordinarul erotism pe care-l degaja în ...
Serge Gainsbourg, Julie London, Toni Makhoul & More 7 May 2012 | 09:09 am
Toni Makhoul It's been a stormy weekend here at triviacompanion, a good time to hide out indoors, listening to music and thunder. I'd like to mention, we've added a new track from Toni Makhoul, titl...
News February / March 2011 23 Feb 2011 | 11:40 pm
Bonjour a tous.Ce mois ci certain le savent, j'ai fini le portrait de Serge Gainsbourg fait avec plus de 20 000 filtres de cigarettes. Je tiens a remercier toutes les personne qui ont participé en env...
Serge Gainsbourg 8 Aug 2010 | 09:24 pm
Serge Gainsbourg (1928 –1991)- Histoire de Melody Nelson(1971) . When driving his Rolls Royce , a middle aged man knocks a 15 year old girl off her bicycle. Naturally, in the world of Gainsbourg, this...
99: SERGE GAINSBOURG: Histoire de Melody Nelson 17 Mar 2009 | 05:02 am
C'est mon grand blog de l'honnêteté et je vais dire tout de suite une grande vérité qui choquera peut-être ce qui me connaissent le moins (car choquant souvent ceux qui me connaissent très bien): ce d...
The Walls of the Rive Gauche 1 Apr 2012 | 02:43 am
My walk down to the shops on rue de Buci is particularly rich in street art and graffiti. The latest images of Serge Gainsbourg on his house on rue de Verneuil are particularly striking. The nostalgi...
Hornsea Heirloom Coffee Mug featured in French Vogue 13 Oct 2010 | 03:57 am
According to Homer Simpson, France is the home to ‘Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys’, however for Culturenik’s everywhere, France is the home to New Wave French Movies, Paris, Serge Gainsbourg, Monet...
Hornsea Heirloom Coffee Mug featured in French Vogue 13 Oct 2010 | 03:57 am
According to Homer Simpson, France is the home to ‘Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys’, however for Culturenik’s everywhere, France is the home to New Wave French Movies, Paris, Serge Gainsbourg, Monet...
Hornsea Heirloom Coffee Mug featured in French Vogue 13 Oct 2010 | 03:57 am
According to Homer Simpson, France is the home to ‘Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys’, however for Culturenik’s everywhere, France is the home to New Wave French Movies, Paris, Serge Gainsbourg, Monet...
Hornsea Heirloom Coffee Mug featured in French Vogue 13 Oct 2010 | 03:57 am
According to Homer Simpson, France is the home to ‘Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys’, however for Culturenik’s everywhere, France is the home to New Wave French Movies, Paris, Serge Gainsbourg, Monet...