Most seriál fairly legal related news are at:

Pozávnka na Festival Fantazie 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Festival Fantazie je najväčším stretnutím fanúšikov scifi a fantasy v Českej Republike. Ide o naozaj veľkú akciu, ktorá trvá celých 10 dní, počas ktorých sa na festivale striedajú rôzne programové lín...
Vyšla hra Stargate SG-1: Unleashed 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Chýba Vám Stargate SG-1? Ak hej, máte šancu zažiť ďalšie príbehy tímu SG-1 v novej hre Stargate SG1: Unleashed. Fanúšikovia Stargate túto hru očakávali už niekoľko mesiacov a teraz je konečne vonku! Z...
More seriál fairly legal related news:
Fairly Legal Season 2 Episode 2 24 Mar 2012 | 02:34 pm
Homepage – TVRage – [ Start Me Up ] Justin asks Kate to negotiate a deal between the FBI and a local hospital. The case seems simple until Kate discovers another patient was bumped from the d...
Fairly Legal (serie sobre mediadora) 22 Jan 2011 | 05:58 pm
Fairly Legal (antes conocida como Facing Kate) es una serie de televisión estadounidense del canal USA Network protagonizada por Sarah Shahi, Michael Trucco, Baron Vaughn y Virginia Williams. Estrenad...
Sara Shahi - Fairly Legal Promo 3 Mar 2012 | 04:16 am
There are not many Asian actresses (or even the Asian-American ones) that ever had a lead role in US television series. Recently, we've seen Maggie Q in Nikita, which is quite successful and received ...
Ohhhh Snap! TGIF Is Back! In Plain Sight and Fairly Legal to Return on Friday, March 16 on USA! 5 Jan 2012 | 06:32 am
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god! This is AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZING news! AMAZING! God, I love USA! In what I can only consider fate, USA has decided to premiere BOTH of my FAVORITE shows In Plain Sight and Fairly Leg...
BlackBerry PlayBook seen on USA’s Fairly Legal 24 May 2012 | 03:40 am
We spotted a BlackBerry PlayBook being used in the board room on USA Networks, Fairly Legal. [Via RIMarkable]
Fairly Legal – Saison 1 EP [10/10][FRENCH][DVDRIP] 29 Jul 2012 | 09:52 pm
Kate Reed est l’une des meilleures avocates du barreau de San Francisco. Mais, révoltée par toutes les injustices du système judiciaire dont elle est le témoin , elle change de métier, quitte la cabin...
Fairly Legal – Saison 1 et 2 EP [13/13][VOSTFR][HDTV] 29 Jul 2012 | 08:49 pm
Kate Reed est l’une des meilleures avocates du barreau de San Francisco. Mais, révoltée par toutes les injustices du système judiciaire dont elle est le témoin , elle change de métier, quitte la cabin...
Ohhhh Snap! TGIF Is Back! In Plain Sight and Fairly Legal to Return on Friday, March 16 on USA! 5 Jan 2012 | 01:32 am
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god! This is AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZING news! AMAZING! God, I love USA! In what I can only consider fate, USA has decided to premiere BOTH of my FAVORITE shows In Plain Sight and Fairly Leg...
Ohhhh Snap! TGIF Is Back! In Plain Sight and Fairly Legal to Return on Friday, March 16 on USA! 5 Jan 2012 | 01:32 am
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god! This is AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZING news! AMAZING! God, I love USA! In what I can only consider fate, USA has decided to premiere BOTH of my FAVORITE shows In Plain Sight and Fairly Leg...
Ohhhh Snap! TGIF Is Back! In Plain Sight and Fairly Legal to Return on Friday, March 16 on USA! 5 Jan 2012 | 01:32 am
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god! This is AMAAAAAAAAAAAAZING news! AMAZING! God, I love USA! In what I can only consider fate, USA has decided to premiere BOTH of my FAVORITE shows In Plain Sight and Fairly Leg...