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Develop Award nominees revealed and include 3 GameHorizon Members! 25 May 2012 | 03:33 am
Develop have announced 96 companies that are all in the running to receive a Develop Award. Amongst them are three GameHorizon members, Atomhawk Design who nominated as best visual outsourcer. Pitbull...
Pitbull Studio are working with Epic on Unreal Engine 4 23 May 2012 | 07:07 am
When we last caught up with Pitbull Studio a couple of months ago, they cunningly disguised a recruitment drive announcement with some subtle hints about what was actually in the pipeline. This week w...
More serious games interactive related news:
Serious game : oxymore ou réalité ? 8 May 2012 | 12:00 am
L’étymologie des jeux sérieux serait issue de l’expression serio ludere employée par les humanistes italiens du XVème siècle pour traiter de sujets sérieux sur un ton ludique. Il est évident que l’emp...
Let's play a "serious" game @(^,^)@ 9 Feb 2012 | 06:17 am
I found this picture shared many times in Facebook and I found it very much fun and interesting. So I'd like to share here too with my Blogger and foodie friends here. Here is the rule: SEE THIS.....
Giana Sisters Co-Creator Armin Gessert passed away :( 15 Nov 2009 | 08:04 am
Armin was a veteran of the games industry and my collegue and friend back in the day at Rainbow Arts, the first serious game developer in Germany. We worked on several titles together and one of them ...
JIZEN, Job interview simulation 2 Apr 2012 | 02:01 am
JIZEN est un serious game simulant un entretien d’embauche qui plonge une personne dans un environnement totalement virtuel afin de l’entraîner à contrôler ses émotions. Le candidat est équipé de cap...
Colloque serious game, le 4 novembre 2011 27 Oct 2011 | 03:29 am
En plein essor ces dernières années, le serious game constitue un relais de croissance stratégique pour les entreprises des secteurs du logiciel et de la formation en France. C’est une des raisons qui...
Empower Network Bonus – 100% RESIDUAL Commissions Instantly! 3 Nov 2011 | 02:32 pm
Empower Network is a serious game changer, and if you’re trying to ignore all the buzz that’s going around because of it you’re nuts. Being a system owner I can tell you, a good funded proposal is som...
Serious Game Expo 2010 3 Jan 2012 | 01:00 pm
La Serious Game Expo, solutions interactives pour former, communiquer, vendre ! tient son salon le 23 Novembre 2010 à Lyon. A cette occasion, Interstudio a réalisé le nouveau visuel de campagne et l'a...
Mo Williams, Playoff Edition: Roll Tide! 3 May 2010 | 10:06 pm
Just some random thoughts on Mo Williams’ serious game (or at least serious second half) against Boston in Game One on Saturday evening. #1.) Mo Williams scored the first basket of the game, off a p...
You may want to update your bookmarks! FUTURE-MAKING SERIOUS GAMES has moved to where all new posts now reside. Please visit us in our new home! You ca...
Serious Games @ Calculation Nation 23 Oct 2009 | 06:37 am
The best of Serious Games that challenge us to play at building a better future Via: Mark Oehlert RT @iThinkMedia: [Blog] Trust Me: Math Can Be Fun w/Calculation Nation! Calculation Nation is a free...