Most shadowbox js wordpress related news are at:

Manually Install Silverlight On Mac 7 Jan 2013 | 05:00 am
A few weeks ago Aaron Brazell mentioned on Twitter that he had been unable to run Silverlight on his brand new Macbook Air: I have never been able to run Silverlight on my 3 month old Macbook Air. Ca...
Rocky Roads Ahead 19 Oct 2012 | 05:56 am
Over the next 2 months (or thereabout), expect things to not always work exactly as they may now on my site. Some things unrelated to the actual install of WordPress on my site may be unavailable dur...
More shadowbox js wordpress related news:
WordPress Plugin Shadowbox JS auf Version aktualisiert 16 Jun 2009 | 11:40 pm
In diesem Beitrag habe ich euch das WordPress Plugin Shadowbox JS vorgestellt, jetzt wurde es auf Version aktualisiert. Was hat sich geändert? Die Anforderungen für das Plugin sind mindestens...
Mit Shadowbox.js lassen sich nahezu alle Dateien inline anzeigen 16 Apr 2009 | 07:33 am
Bisher habe ich bei der Anzeige von Bilder auf das Lightbox2 Javascript by Lokesh Dhakar gesetzt. Lief auch großartig, bis ich für eine übersichtlichere Darstellung der letzten Artikel, Kommentare und...
Shadowbox JS Plugin Pulled from the Repository 30 Dec 2011 | 08:07 am
Update: The Shadowbox JS plugin is back in the repo! I was notified on December 28, 2011 that a complaint was made to the plugins repository team that the Shadowbox JS plugin contained ...
Shadowbox JS Plugin Pulled from the Repository 29 Dec 2011 | 11:07 pm
Update: The Shadowbox JS plugin is back in the repo! I was notified on December 28, 2011 that a complaint was made to the plugins repository team that the Shadowbox JS plugin contained n...
K Adam White: Evolving Your JavaScript with Backbone.js 27 Aug 2013 | 06:58 am
WordPress 3.6 includes Backbone.js version 1.0, the JavaScript library used in the new WordPress media uploader. It can be intimidating to get started with a library like Backbone, but it is a powerfu...
ShadowBox: Minimal WordPress Theme 22 Aug 2013 | 08:05 pm
ShadowBox is a super Minimal WordPress Theme at ThemeForest ShadowBox is a perfect theme for creatives, photographers, studios and anyone who wants a truly pixel perfect minimal design that’s packed ...
K Adam White: Evolving Your JavaScript with Backbone.js 27 Aug 2013 | 06:58 am
WordPress 3.6 includes Backbone.js version 1.0, the JavaScript library used in the new WordPress media uploader. It can be intimidating to get started with a library like Backbone, but it is a powerfu...
25个免费图片相册幻灯插件 20 Aug 2013 | 02:37 pm
WordPress对于所有的blogger来说算是一款不错的CMS,因为它易于使用和管理,尤其是插件和其他应用设置。下面列出的是25个免费的WordPress图片相册插件,这些插件全都能在WordPress插件页面上找到,用这些插件你可以很方便的在你的站点上显示和管理你的图片相册和幻灯。 Dynamic Content Gallery Lightview Plus Shadowbox JS ...
Вирус Trojan.JS.Redirector.ue. Удаляем с сайта на WordPress. 7 Apr 2012 | 06:27 am
Вирус Trojan.JS.Redirector.ue и его модификации. Удаляем с сайта на WordPress. На днях появились сообщения о блокировании моего сайта МАСТЕРА RU антивирусами Аваст, Nod32, Касперским которые ссылалис...
カスタムフィールドを使用して投稿別に個別のCSSを適用する方法【WordPress】 6 Jun 2011 | 11:00 pm
それぞれの投稿に個別のcssやjsを適用したいときの対処方法。 もちろんidなどをつけてテーマのstyle.cssに記述しても反映されるのだが、全頁で読み込まれてしまい好ましくない。 よって個別のcssをつくり読み込む方法をメモ。 カスタムフィールドで読み込むファイルを指定します。 head内の読みこませたい箇所に下記を記述 。 テーマフォルダに「css」フォルダと「js」フォルダを作成...