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Horner a castigat etapa a 3-a din Vuelta 27 Aug 2013 | 01:29 am
Americanul Chris Horner de la echipa RadioShack a castigat luni etapa a 3-a din Turul Spaniei. Acesta a atacat excelent in ultimul kilometru, depasindu-l fara probleme pe italianul Ivan Santaromita ca...
Ronnie O’Sullivan a castigat Paul Hunter Classic 26 Aug 2013 | 06:44 pm
Englezul Ronnie O’Sullivan a castigat duminica seara turneul al 4-lea din cadrul European Tour, turneu care se mai numeste si Paul Hunter Classic. In finala, Ronnie l-a invins clar cu 4-0 pe nord-irla...
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2008/2009最新斯诺克世界排名 18 Jun 2009 | 03:35 am
排名 中文名 英文名 总成绩 2007/2008 2008/2009 1 罗尼·奥沙利文 Ronnie O'Sullivan 53575 29700 23875 2 斯蒂芬·马奎尔 Stephen Maguire 48050 25975 22075 3 肖恩·墨菲 Shaun Murphy 47175 23700 23475 4 约翰·希金斯 J...
WM Tipp 2013: Runde 4 28 Apr 2013 | 08:12 pm
Runde 4 (4 x VF) - Dienstag, 11:00 Best of 25 Shaun Murphy v Judd Trump King/Ding v Barry Hawkins O'Sullivan/Carter v Bingham/MDavis Milkins/Walden v Michael White 0-1-6-8 Start, Spreadseheet
C Sessions 3.9 15 Mar 2013 | 04:33 pm
Riders: Shaun Murphy, David McCarthy, Max Lyons, Casey Willax, Tarik Blowers, Brian Skorupski, Timmy Sullivan, Jaime Del Pizzo, Emma Graham, Zack Wilmot, Rory Bruder Song: “Apocryphon” – The Sword F...
Reclaim tax: why capital allowances are a big gift to small businesses 2 Oct 2012 | 02:43 pm
{lang: 'en-GB'} By Shaun Murphy, Managing Director of Portal Tax Claims For many SMEs, Capital Allowances will already be familiar as a way of claiming tax relief on items used by the business, such...
WM Tipp 2013: Runde 4 28 Apr 2013 | 08:12 pm
Runde 4 (4 x VF) - Dienstag, 11:00 Best of 25 Shaun Murphy v Judd Trump King/Ding v Barry Hawkins O'Sullivan/Carter v Bingham/MDavis Milkins/Walden v Michael White 0-1-6-8 Start, Spreadseheet
C3 Trailer 8 Jul 2013 | 06:17 pm
Trailer for the 3rd full length Carinthia video coming December 2013 Featuring: Shaun Murphy, Tarik Blowers, Ian Compton, Levi Gunzburg, Max Lyons, Rory Bruder, Ian Keay, Luke “Lupe” Hagearty, Ben Sm...
When Parenthood Hijacks Your Marriage 17 Aug 2011 | 10:04 pm
Editor’s note: The following is a guest post by Tim Murphy at Renegade Dad. Many of us talk about prioritizing as it relates to our work but it’s also important to prioritize other areas of our life,...
The White Stripes vuelven sólo en disco en directo 12 Apr 2011 | 04:33 am
Hoy parece el día de hablar de las separaciones de las bandas. Primero fue James Murphy con sus LCD Soundsystem y ahora llega el turno de hacerlo con The White Stripes. La noticia de los estadounidens...
Sonar 2011: James Murphy, Four Tet y Dizzee Rascal confirmados 12 Apr 2011 | 03:32 am
Después de la separación de LCD Soundsystem, una de las más lloradas por sus seguidores en los últimos tiempos, era lógico que hubiese más vida para sus miembros, puesto que son todos músicos jóvenes ...
Week 3 Hot Pickups: Snelling, Thomas, Murphy 23 Sep 2010 | 09:51 am
1. RB JASON SNELLING, Falcons Michael Turner (groin) says he’ll be fine for Week 3, but Snelling (186 total yards, 3 TDs) looked great in his absence and is an obvious handcuff with big-time upside. ...