Most shawl patchwork related news are at:

Geometrical pashmina 20 Feb 2012 | 11:04 pm
Dah lama nurrul tak update Pashmina. Yup! pashmina kali ni bercorak geometri, dan colourful! Material tak tebal sangat, dijamin Muslimah bila dipakai :') RM15/pcs 5 colors available!! e n j o y s...
Cotton crumple w/ Buckle 20 Feb 2012 | 10:56 pm
Hai, Assalamualaikum. Cotton crumple datang lagi!! Shawl cotton crumple ni siap dengan buckle n batu ala2 crystal, sebagai aksesori tambahan. Buckle ada pada hujung sebelah shawl, jadi sangat mu.....
More shawl patchwork related news:
Shawl Patchworks Amylia dan Pashmina Dwitone kod AMYLIA dan DWI RM10 sahaja! 7 Aug 2011 | 01:40 am
♥ Dear valued customer, sempena raya yg akan tiba, SOFFYA ESHOPE akn kembali dengan koleksi tudung dan shawl yang menarik dan terkini. stay tune dan rajin-rajin jenguk blogshop/facebook SOFFYA ESHOPE ...
Ukraine Travel Guide 15 Apr 2011 | 02:35 am
The Ukraine: A Slavic Nation Filled With Dreams About The Modern Ukraine Some Eastern contemporary thinkers like to call the Ukraine a patchwork nation that draws on a plethora of historic influence...
Tajikistan 31 Jul 2008 | 03:37 am
A Persian-speaking outpost in a predominantly Turkic region, Tajikistan is the odd man out in Central Asia. The country is a patchwork of self-contained valleys and regional contrasts, forged together...
Pippa Patchwork 30 Mar 2012 | 10:04 pm
The art of quilt making is something that has fascinated me for years. I think it’s the idea of creating something that is so personal; a future heirloom perhaps. I like the idea of putting together s...
Alaria Late June 22 Jun 2011 | 09:32 pm
Dear Sista, Lama ya Alaria gak update, karena kesibukan ditempat lain ^____^ tapi sekarang udah update lagi loh sis. Yuk mari cek New Item dari Alaria, ada Shawl 3 warna, Ceruti batwing, Gamis batwin...
Patchwork Decke 13 Apr 2012 | 09:31 pm
Ich wollte schon sehr lange eine eigene Patchwork Decke für meinen kleinen Sonnenschein nähen, aber irgendwie hatte ich nie die Gelegenheit. Jetzt wo er grösser ist, und ich mir ein bisschen Freizeit ...
A little of everything 29 Mar 2009 | 08:04 pm
I love this long tee because it has a little of everything. Lace, sequins and dots put together in beautiful patchwork. Item code: TP006 Status: Available Material: Cotton Size: Fits UK6-8 Color: Gre...
Dual-tone Mesh Shawl 15 Nov 2008 | 03:45 am
Item code: HJ001 Status: Available Material: 100% Thai silk Description: 185 cm length, 65 cm width Color: Purple / Grey / Fuschia / Lime green RM 30 RM 20
Impossible Colours 9 Sep 2010 | 10:02 pm
Some people can see the colour blue-yellow if they try and cross their eyes and make the plus signs line up. This is a pseudo colour and really patchwork comprising yellow and blue I came across an i...
Body Shawl 12 May 2012 | 01:03 pm
Wrap yourself in aromatic warmth with this wonderful body shawl. A few minutes in the microwave and your Body Shawl can be used for therapy on your back, abdomen, across your shoulders, or to wrap an ...