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Windows Mobile PPC软件推荐(第一期) 27 Jul 2009 | 02:30 am

使用HTC Touch Diamond有四个月了吧,这四个月一直在尝试各种各样的软件,好像神农尝百草一样,终于有机会写下自己的一些感受,让大家一起讨论讨论。 UCWeb浏览器 UCWeb是手机里最好用的上网软件之一,无论是我以前用的Java版还是现在用的WM版。虽然我已经很厌倦了UCWeb过于商业化的运作模式(弹出广告,广告夹杂在每一个角落,号称最省流量实则最耗流量,用户意见很多,却从来不听取...

Charlie Kindel, GM Windows Phone 7 Developer Ecosystem, Microsoft 14 Dec 2010 | 06:44 am

Windows Mobile has never been a success. That’s why Microsoft came up with the completely new Windows Phone 7 platform, where Charlie Kindel oversees the developer ecosystem. At Microsoft since 1990, ...

EM・ONEαに入れたソフト 24 Dec 2008 | 01:42 am

イー・モバイル の シャープ製 EM・ONEα (S01SH II)を購入してから2週間。 W-Zero3[es] 以来の Windows Mobile 機です。、 色んなソフトをインストール・アンインストールし、現在使っているソフトウェアは以下の子たち。 [es]Silencer 内臓カメラのシャッター音を消す GSFinder+ WM5 ファイラー HandyShopper シ...

Facebook For Smartphone: Android, Iphone, Symbian, Windows Mobile e BlackBerry 24 Feb 2012 | 06:27 am

Ormai è risaputo che Facebook sta entrando, anzi e’ entrato a far parte della nostra vita quotidiana. Che sia un bene o un male non sta a noi dirlo ma in questo articolo voglio illustrarti la diffusio...

Где прячутся банкоматы 21 Apr 2011 | 02:35 am

Еду себе за рулем и понимаю, что мне нужно бы снять деньги и желательно сейчас да и еще желательно в “своем” банкомате. В кармане помоему тогда еще pocket pc на windows mobile 5.0. Понимаю, что чтобы ...

Put Opera Mobile 9.5 on your PDA/Handheld 20 Jul 2008 | 06:49 pm

Opera Mobile 9.5 Beta is out and you should put it on your PocketPC PDA/Handheld running Windows Mobile 5 or 6 now. Why? It’s the only browser for mobile handhelds which fully supports Javascript and...

Mobile Printing Apps 21 Aug 2011 | 04:53 am

Mobile printing apps are becoming popular for mobile device users worldwide. There are now printing apps for Windows Mobile, Android, iPhone, iPad and Blackberry devices. The mobile printing apps are ...

How to get GPRS on windows Mobile 15 Aug 2011 | 02:20 am

GPRS are most commom these days, but unfortunaltly getting GPRS on windows mobile is very tedeous. I get GPRS working on my Windows Mobile with very tedeous process. To get the GPRS working on my phon...

Windows Marketplace for Mobile 6.x wird eingestellt 9 Mar 2012 | 10:36 pm

Microsoft hat damit begonnen E-Mail Benachrichtigungen an Windows Mobile 6 Nutzer zu versenden. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass Microsoft den Marketplace für Windows Mobile 6.x zum 9 Mai 2012 einstel...

Heysan – Web Base Messenger Chat Client for Mobile 24 Jun 2011 | 05:10 pm

Heysan is Web Base Multi Protocol Messenger that was designed for Mobile Phone. It’s  support any kind of Mobile Phone such as Windows Mobile, Java (J2ME), Symbian, Android, even iPhone or BlackBerry....

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