Most shell dig related news are at:

ext4 mysql flush_log 相关 7 Jun 2013 | 12:05 am
最近有一些业务服务器开始使用6.3服务器,顾客开始说访问页面会卡,主要反映在切换页面,数据交互等,开始开始技术排查问题,同样的代码,同样的 apache mysql php 的配置,在 5.5 上运行很正常,在 6.3 运行就会卡。把问题转交到我手上,我开始对操作系统进行了排查。““`太累了,明天在写。不好意思。
linux 重启没响应 3 Apr 2013 | 03:20 pm
今天IDC有服务器有两个分区变为只读分区,首先处理我想想卸载分区实行修复在挂载,无法卸载,然后考虑到线上服务器有备机,所以索性就直接重启下,执行 reboot 结果没响应,init 6 同样没响应。然后拿起电话准备给IDC 打电话重,后来想下肯定有办法重启的,就 google 了一下,果然找到了办法。执行下面两条命令: # echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq # ech...
More shell dig related news:
Epic Photo - Priest Point Park in Olympia, WA 20 May 2013 | 11:42 pm
Here's a photo from Priest Point Park in Olympia, WA. There's several trails along the southernmost point of South Puget Sound, and the beach provides some nice clam shell digging opportunities. Perfe...
Remove the shortcut arrow from the desktop 5 Nov 2011 | 02:28 pm
How to remove the shortcut arrow from the desktop ? Open Regedit and navigate to the following key:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Shell IconsBackup.....
Facebook Games – Treasure Madness 25 Apr 2012 | 01:52 pm
Facebook Games – Treasure Madness Nevertheless another game that involves treasure hunting and digging the land for hidden wealth. What makes this game different from the other games that have the ide...
Gold digging at it’s finest 27 Jul 2011 | 01:07 am
Absolutely stellar! THIS APPEARED ON CRAIG’S LIST What am I doing wrong? Okay, I’m tired of beating around the bush. I’m a beautiful (spectacularly beautiful) 25 year old girl. I’m articulate and clas...
Apple’s rise and fall in typography [10] 4 Jun 2010 | 03:54 pm
Some history 1. Command Line Interface, such as DOS or UNIX shells (bash, csh, etc.) Before the DTP revolution, the life of a typographer felt more like being a mechanic, either using a machine that...
Live Remix XP 3.0 – Five Editions 25 Jul 2011 | 11:49 am
Hola esta es la versión estable del antiguo Vista Live Shell Pack, ahora en 5 ediciones.Próximamente estarán disponibles los complementos para estos paquetes en un instalador separado.Live Remix XP Bl...
Document Locking and ws.EditDocument 18 Nov 2006 | 07:00 am
I haven't used document locking very much, but one customer insisted on it. Then, after implementing document locking, I ended up with a bunch of replication/save conflicts. After several hours of dig...
New Outdoor Performance Venue Opens on Marylhurst Campus 24 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Music will fill the Marylhurst University campus in mid-June to mark the dedication of the Lajos Balogh Performance Shell, a new outdoor performance venue. The kick-off concert Wednesday, June 13 at 7...
Top 20 Social Media Resources 31 Jan 2010 | 08:03 am
Social Media is scattered around the whole diversified World Wide Web. Every business has a tendency to dig into it and leverage the true power of this emerging trend. There are many social media site...
Mid 30s crisis birthday jump! 15 Aug 2009 | 10:46 am
When I first rediscovered Shells again last year, I was amazed at how it had evolved. The gaps between the jumps looked basically undoable. 20-30 foot gaps with very unforgiving consequences. The ide...