Most shoes and bags related news are at:

Schnürstiefelette<br>camel 89,00 € 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Super lässig ist diese Schnürstiefelette mit umgeklapptem Kragen von Bugatti. Auch Männer mögen's im Winter an den Füßen lieber warm, darum ist diese Stiefelette mit ihrem warmen und besonders weichen...
Schnürstiefelette<br>braun 89,00 € 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Modisch elegant ist diese knöchelhohe Schnürstiefelette von Bugatti. Der Schnürer für Herren aus weichem Leder passt super zu trendigen Chino-Hosen. Die Lyra-Lochung verleiht der Stiefelette einen edl...
More shoes and bags related news:
Trying My Mom’s Clothes 18 May 2012 | 07:06 pm
All little girls admire their mom’s clothes, accessories, shoes and bags, and they like to try on these chic items themselves. So does the girl in this cool new game! She looks so cute dressed up in h...
Shoe and Bag Savior: Besa's 5 Jul 2009 | 10:57 pm
I was so disappointed with a newly bought pair of shoes from Nine West that got slightly damaged after a few weeks of using it. I asked Nine West store in Powerplant if they can repair it for me but t...
Walking Like a Vegan Chic 22 May 2009 | 01:53 am
Have you heard that Vegetarian Shoes and Bags is now Vegan Chic? And they have an even bigger selection of 100% vegan shoes, as well as bags, belts, wallets, and clothing! The easy-to-navigate website...
Dear all, 11 Jan 2012 | 10:57 am
Welcome to the creative n eccentric range of shoes and bags brought to you by Matching Misfits! I believe in CREATIVE . COMFORT . CATCHY .! Note: All the NO CONCEPT goodies are imported from the offi...
Fashionably.Chosen 20 23 Dec 2008 | 12:33 am
Fashionably.Chosen 21: Jujuwiwitata's Phew. Finally I'm back with reviewing business. Been a long time I went MIA, no? sorry! Anyway, seems like fringe is the IN thing now! From shoes to bags to n...
Wearing Today: A Friend’s Wedding 2 May 2009 | 11:50 pm
A friend from Grad School is getting married tonight, i’m going to the reception and feel lazy to put on kebaya. So I wear this green dress instead. Dress: Topshop Accessories: F21 Shoes: Vincci Bag: ...
Stuck on Wu 14 Mar 2012 | 03:18 pm
Dress: Jason Wu for Target Cardigan: J.Crew Belt: Forever 21 Shoes: Target Bag: Jason Wu for Target I finally got my hands on this Jason Wu dress! Carol was kind enough to pick it up for me at he...
AUGUST 2010 NEW ARRIVALS :) 10 Aug 2010 | 10:44 pm
howdy check out my new collections this month. lots of dresses, 2 pcs clothes, shoes & sleeping bags up for grab. here are the sneak preview for it stay tune for more updates. kindly, go to my we...
Summer Trend: Accessorize 1 Jul 2011 | 02:34 am
Here are some tips for spicing up your outfit using accessories: Coordinate shoes and bag—for an everyday casual outfit to a more formal cocktail affair, coordinating shoes and bags is a great way ac... 24 May 2012 | 03:10 pm
Actually im trying my new bb cream. lo lo , i have a lot of bb cream still buy >< Can't blame on me , coz tis is wad girls like. ; Cloth, cosmetics , shoes ,and bag :p Yo! Holiday coming ^^v Trip ah ...