Most shooting the moon related news are at:

Fireworks Photography Roundup 4 Jul 2009 | 11:41 am
It’s again time to get drunk and watch explosions in the sky as we honor our country’s independence…. and with with this always comes tons of questions from friends and readers on tips for shooting fi...
Opensource Firmware for the Canon 5D Mark II 24 Jun 2009 | 06:24 am
Okay, this is seriously awesome. If (like me) you are lucky enough to have a Canon 5D Mark II, there’s now some “special” new firmware available. It’s open source, licensed under the GPL, and currentl...
More shooting the moon related news:
Videograss Shoot the Moon Soundtrack 24 May 2012 | 06:09 am
Movie Description: The Moon was closer to the Earth this March than it has been in nearly 20 years. With the power of the cosmos, and that ghastly large moon, the VG crew scoured the world on a relent...
Day two of Super Moon on the official date of 3-19-11 20 Mar 2011 | 03:55 pm
I could not pass up the opportunity of shooting the Moon two days in a row. Tonight's shots did not come out the way I wanted but on the other hand I did use a tripod, 2 second mirror lock up delay a...
Scanning Negatives, Shooting a Moon, Fixing a Colors in a Photo 29 May 2012 | 08:19 am
Have a doubt about digital photography? Send it to me. we respond to as many as we can–though given a apportion of e-mails that we get, we can’t guarantee a personal respond to any one. we turn adult ...
Scanning Negatives, Shooting a Moon, Fixing a Colors in a Photo 29 May 2012 | 08:19 am
Have a doubt about digital photography? Send it to me. we respond to as many as we can–though given a apportion of e-mails that we get, we can’t guarantee a personal respond to any one. we turn adult ...
Scanning Negatives, Shooting a Moon, Fixing a Colors in a Photo 29 May 2012 | 08:19 am
Have a doubt about digital photography? Send it to me. we respond to as many as we can–though given a apportion of e-mails that we get, we can’t guarantee a personal respond to any one. we turn adult ...
DiceArena will be available at Betfair 5 Aug 2009 | 08:41 pm
The Swedish operator, Jadestone Networks, developed the DiceArena gaming network. On this network, players can find titles like Dice Hold’Em and Shoot The Moons. DiceArena became very popular among th...
Release #264: (C80) [Shoot The Moon (Fuetakishi)] Fukuyama san 3 Eruption 9 Oct 2011 | 05:00 am
Collab with Afro Scans. Fukuyama-san meets her younger self… Or is it her little sister? Whoever she is, this mini-Fukuyama (dubbed Loliyama-san in the story) threatens the peace of Fukuyama-san’s an...
Moon In Stellar Performance To Win Bay 101 Shooting Stars 13 Mar 2012 | 06:04 am
Moon Kim may not be a household name within poker circle but if you ever get to see the World Poker Tour Champions Cup you will find a silver rectangular plaque that boasts his name, the hand Jd7d and...
Videograss Shoot the Moon Soundtrack 24 May 2012 | 02:09 am
Movie Description: The Moon was closer to the Earth this March than it has been in nearly 20 years. With the power of the cosmos, and that ghastly large moon, the VG crew scoured the world on a relent...
White Collar Season 4 Episode 14 “Shoot the Moon” Promo (HD) 6 Feb 2013 | 01:46 pm
White Collar Season 4 Episode 14 “Shoot the Moon”: Peter and Neal work from different angles as they attempt to stop a thieving duo bent on going out in a hail of bullets rather than watch their whirl...