Most short link script related news are at:

On the Possibility of Other Civilizations in Our Galaxy 5 Feb 2011 | 10:15 am
In this essay Someone called Soter examines the Drake Equation which asks how many technically advanced civilizations exist in our galaxy. He also looks at the Fermi Paradox which questions why, if t...
Introduction 5 Feb 2011 | 07:54 am
What is Drama? Drama is a type literature usually written to be performed. people often make a distinction between drama, which concerns the written text, or script for the performance, and theatre ...
More short link script related news:
plusPHP Advanced Short URL Script - *Nulled* 23 Apr 2012 | 03:04 am
plusPHP Advanced Short URL Script Advanced Short URL Script Features: * 2 ways visitors authorization - based on IP address + usual login/password; * profiles handling system - registration, e-mail...
اسکریپت کوتاه کننده لینک PHP Short Url Script v2.1 16 Jan 2012 | 01:33 pm
اسکریپت کوتاه کننده لینک PHP Short Url Script v2.1 با سه پوسته متفاوت » دانلود مستقیم اسکریپت کوتاه کننده لینک PHP Short Url Script v2.1 » حجم : ۵٫۵۸ مگابایت
Creating Short Amazon Affiliate Links (AMZN.COM) 23 Jan 2012 | 10:53 am
Here is a quick tip for those looking to use the Amazon short link service (AMZN.COM) with affiliate links. Of course you can always paste the long URL into something like the Google URL Shortener but...
Cara Mudah Mengetahui Link Asli pada Shorted Link 20 Feb 2012 | 01:49 am
Shorted link banyak bertebaran dan merajarela dimana-mana. Dilain sisi shorted link adalah cara untuk mempermudah dan menyingkat link yang panjang agar lebih enak dipandang, namun disisi lain shorted ...
Google Plus Nick – Google+ URL shortener launched 6 Jul 2011 | 03:36 am
One thing Google have omitted from the beta version of Google+ is ‘vanity urls’ – a personalisable short-link for your Google+ profile. Currently user profiles are accessed at<21 digi...
Review: plugin for shortening URLs 28 Apr 2009 | 09:45 am
Here’s an interesting plugin that WordPress users might like to try: an alternative to the likes of TinyURL etc. With this plugin, the short links are hosted on your own domain… which means they are f...
How To: Tracking Social Media ROI while Promoting Events 3 Aug 2011 | 08:32 am
Tracking your social media ROI is crucial to determine the success of your efforts. Using Google Analytics Tool URL Builder, (Google’s short-link service), and your social media management plat...
Layanan Shortener link di tutup… 5 Jul 2011 | 10:11 pm
kurangnya sosialisasi/kurangnya publikasi, lebih banyak website yang melakukan short link di i12 adalah spam ketimbang penggunaan yang sebenarnya, maka saya bermaksud menutup layanan shortener link i1...
Best Referral Programs (Short Links) 29 Apr 2012 | 04:22 pm
This posting will regularly update to showcase the best referral programs specific to paid short link sites. Paid short links come from the new breed of URL shortening services that display a short ad...
Get Paid to Share Links with Ityim 28 Apr 2012 | 01:25 pm
About Ityim ( Purpose: Ityim allows publishers to get paid for sharing links Launched: Unknown Short Link Ad Details: Advert will countdown from 5 seconds and then show “Skip Ad” Short Lin...