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“自縛”から“家電”のことまで、津田寛治さんに360度インタビュー 24 Jan 2013 | 06:10 am
映画『R-18文学賞vol.1 自縄自縛の私』は、「女による女のためのR-18文学賞」の大賞受賞小説を竹中直人監督が映像化された作品。この意表をつくコラボレーションで、全く新しい世界観を私たちに見せてくれます。今回は、この斬新な作品に出演され、さらなる”深み”を与えてくれた俳優・津田寛治さんにインタビュー。映画だけでなくご自身のプライベートまで語っていただき、“意外な一面”を見せてくださいました。...
日々忙しく頑張る女性にもオススメ『東京家族』/中嶋朋子さんインタビュー 17 Jan 2013 | 11:55 am
時代によって移りゆく日本の家族を描いてきた山田洋次監督が、監督50周年の節目として、日本映画史上最も重要な作品のひとつである小津安二郎監督の『東京物語』をモチーフに、映画『東京家族』を製作。今回は、その『東京家族』に金井滋子役で出演された中嶋朋子さんにお話をお伺いしました。 山田監督の演技指導はどのような感じですか? 厳しかったですよ。「ああ」とか「うん」という一言の台詞でも、「ニュアンスが違...
More shot related news:
Sidney, BC 12 May 2011 | 04:54 pm
Tweet Sidney, BC – my adopted hometown – is a wonderful place. I believe that it must have more coffee shops, and bookstores per capita than anywhere in Canada. This shot is from a classic viewpoin...
App Guerilla Marketing Tactics: Dry Clean Only iPhone App 13 May 2010 | 02:31 pm
How do you Market your App Store Screen Shots? App Guerilla Marketing Tactics…… Few Steps: 1. Image is everything. So pack your Screen Shots with eye catching images and text… iTunes App Store giv...
An Hour With Arnold Palmer 29 Aug 2011 | 03:35 am
“It is deceptively simple, endlessly complicated, a child can play it well, and a grown man can never master it. Any single round of it is full of unexpected triumphs and perfect shots that end in dis...
Soi Cowboy Bars 2 Apr 2012 | 06:56 pm
Night shots of Soi Cowboy One night I took my DSLR camera along to shoot some images of whats jumping on Soi Cowboy. It was a quiet weekday night in March or April a couple of years ago. Nothing has ...
Concorso fotografico “SELF SHOTS” organizzato da Giu*Box Gallery 19 Oct 2011 | 07:00 pm
Il concorso fotografico “SELF SHOTS“, organizzato da Giu*Box Gallery, è completamente gratuito e si rivolge a tutti i fotoamatori senza limiti d’età. Il tema principale è la “SELF PHOTOGRAPHY” ovvero...
Gap ‘gets together’ in Hong Kong MTR with campaign from Y&R China 11 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Subway stations in Hong Kong have been dominated by the fabulous new images from the latest ‘Let’s Gap Together’ campaign, shot by Annie Leibovitz and masterminded by Y&R Shanghai.
Up close pussy pic 23 Jan 2012 | 11:12 am
I love up close pussy pics, and this one is no exception. There is so much porn online (and so much is free) that sometimes the quality just gets lost. The resolution and detail of the shots in this g...
Freebie and the Bean (1974) – The Daily Movie Wallpaper – Richard Rush 23 Feb 2010 | 05:05 pm
The Daily Movie Wallpaper Tuesday, February 23, 2010 Love this rare behind the scenes shot of filmmaker Richard Rush with its added reflection of him on the left! Be sure to read the rare pres...
[Photo] SS501 Kim Hyun Joong “Basic House” F/W new image photos 2P (Wallpaper size 1024X768) 13 Sep 2010 | 12:41 pm
Credit: BAsic House Don’t re-edit+HOTLINK Give proper credit when reposting, thanks! *********************************************************************** Some more couple shots from BH ^^ So c...
Lindsay Lohan’s nipple peek 23 Dec 2010 | 04:07 pm
I’m not sure what’s going on in here but it looks like a shot of Lindsay Lohan’s nipples infront of the mirror. Why she did it would be an obvious reason. Everybody knows that famewhores do not sleep...