Most siggraph asia related news are at:

SIGGRAPH 2013 : Online Registration & Housing 25 May 2013 | 01:23 am
Both the online Registration and Housing systems for SIGGRAPH 2013 in Anaheim are currently open. Register and book your rooms now for the best prices.
SIGGRAPH 2013 : Technical Papers Preview Trailer 25 May 2013 | 01:11 am
The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. Here's the latest preview of the amazing ...
More siggraph asia related news:
Note 2011.12.18 – Back from Hong Kong 18 Dec 2011 | 06:17 am
Just came back from Siggraph Asia at Hong Kong and down with a cold…. as I get older it seems harder to recover from sickness…
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 has begun! 28 Nov 2012 | 05:32 pm
The 5th SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia has begun in Singapore.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012: Bringing the World of Computer Graphics to Singapore 2 Dec 2012 | 07:27 am
Singapore, 1 December 2012 – The Singapore EXPO MAX Atria played host to SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 for the last four days.
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 : Technical Papers Trailer 5 Dec 2012 | 07:13 am
This is the preview trailer for the Technical Papers program at SIGGRAPH Asia 2012. Online registration is available till 20 November, 23:59 GMT +8, Singapore time. Register today at sa12registration....
SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Calls for Submissions 28 Mar 2013 | 04:18 pm
SIGGRAPH Asia invites you to submit your latest achievements and ground-breaking ideas, solutions as well as technical and creative skills for SIGGRAPH Asia 2013.
Siaran Langsung Iran vs Indonesia PPD 2014, 2 Sep 2011, SCTV 3 Sep 2011 | 02:11 am
Siaran Langsung Iran vs Indonesia PPD 2014, 2 Sep 2011, SCTV - Pertandingan kualifikasi piala dunia 2014 zona Asia akan mempertemukan Iran vs Indonesia. Jadwal pertandingan ini akan dilangsungkan pada...
Tour a Tailandia 30 Apr 2011 | 04:36 am
Oferta tours a Tailandia. Tailandia es un país situado al en el sudeste de Asia, contiene grandes representaciones de arte Budista, que se pueden ver plasmadas en sus impresionantes Templos. Entre los...
Y&R Spark Plug Launches in Asia 19 May 2012 | 02:09 am
Y&R Singapore announced that it has become the first Y&R office in Asia to launch Y&R Spark Plug - which sees the agency open its doors to a number of promising start-ups to enhance innovation.
Y&R Singapore appoints Farrokh Madon as Chief Creative Officer 14 May 2012 | 04:00 pm
Sanjay Bhasin, CEO South East Asia Y&R, has announced the appointment of Farrokh Madon as Chief Creative Officer, Y&R Singapore, effective Monday 14 May 2012.
Check out the official cinematic launch trailer for The Darkness II 7 Feb 2012 | 06:45 pm
Welcome to the 2K Games Asia Official Facebook Page! Keep in touch with the latest and greatest for upcoming games like The Darkness II, BioShock Infinite, XCOM and more! If you live in Singapore, Tai...