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Holiday Horror Update 4 Jan 2011 | 05:11 am
Finally completed my Holiday Horrors update (A little late i know), which includes reviews of "Silent Night, Deadly Night", "Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2", "Silent Night Deadly Night Part 3", "Sil...
Oh Silent Night, Oh Busy Night 24 Dec 2009 | 07:06 am
Ok, I have been complaining about how busy I’ve been in several posts lately and I promise this is the last one. I’m busy, tired and stressed. I’m trying to be Super Woman and it’s just not possible...
Silent Night! Holly Night in Brigidian 22 Dec 2011 | 12:07 am
Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé' cúna Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé' cúna, Gah íes án sa' la xana Na íes Marí äte Swíe Loddy, Bébé Nuäfóna, ham äte ódí, Dòrméz, Crístús, dòrméz! Dòrméz, Crístús, dòrméz! Nóçhé' Nóël, Nóçhé....
Silent Night! Holly Night! in Breton Language 21 Dec 2011 | 09:45 pm
Nozvezh sioul, Nozvezh kaer Nozvezh sioul, nozvezh kaer. Trouz ebet dre an aer. Aze 'barzh ul lochennig paour, Ur bugelig kousket-flour, Ur bugelig gwan, Ur bugelig gwan. Met a-bell, klevit-hu, Kan ...
Exclusive: Cain talks Silent Night, Zombie Night & Breath of Hate | Horror Movie, DVD, & Book Reviews, News, Interviews at Dread Central 8 Jul 2009 | 12:05 pm
Exclusive: Cain talks Silent Night, Zombie Night & Breath of Hate | Horror Movie, DVD, & Book Reviews, News, Interviews at Dread Central
Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 2 Sep 2009 | 06:44 pm
TO: And so it begins... Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 (henceforth referred to as SNDN2, to save us the trouble of typing that out). Now this is a hilariously bad movie (albeit, perhaps intentionally so...
Quilt Navideño Silent Night 15 Dec 2009 | 07:36 am
Hoy os vamos a dejar una bonita propuesta navideña que nos ha hecho llegar al correo del club nuestra amiga Hilda Perez y que como veis es un Quilt de navidad que se llama Silent Night. El blog de do...
Win a copy of the Christmas Game ‘A Silent Night’ for iOS 18 Dec 2010 | 03:12 pm
There are 7 days left until Christmas and Santa is late in delivering gifts! Become a Santa’s Helper! Win a copy of ‘A Silent Night‘, Christmas game for iPhone & iPad! 3 Promo codes are waiting fo...
Day of the Dead sexual haunting dream in Cabo 13 Oct 2011 | 03:58 pm
The night ends, and the next day we see the beautiesenjoying the warm Mexico sun. At this point, theyonly know that they had strange dreams, no doubtbrought on from too much partying the night before....
Juegos Diabólicos aka Noche de paz, noche de muerte 5 11 Dec 2011 | 06:36 am
Título original: Silent Night, Deadly Night 5: The Toy Maker aka Juegos Diabólicos (Noche de paz, noche de muerte 5) Director: Martin Kitrosser Guionistas: Martin Kitrosser, Brian Yuzna Reparto: Wi...