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Haben magersüchtige Mädchen auch autistische Züge? 23 Aug 2013 | 04:00 am
Forscher um den britischen Autismusexperten Professor Simon Baron-Cohen von der Universität in Cambridge kommen zu dem Ergebnis, dass magersüchtige Mädchen überdurchschnittlich oft autistische Persönl...
‘The Dictator’: Cohen’s childish, racist shtick 16 May 2012 | 05:41 am
Sacha Baron Cohen in "The Dictator" In The Dictator, Sacha Baron Cohen plays a fish out of water, acclimating himself to American culture and offending everyone in sight while he does it. You could b...
A diktátor 23 May 2012 | 01:28 am
Sachsa Baron Cohen (A leleményes Hugo) Borat, Alig G és Brüno után újabb nagyszabású karakterrel ajándékozza meg a mozinézőket: a világ legkülöncebb és legegoistább diktátorával, Aladeennel. Az elpus...
The Dictator (2012) - Larry Charles 19 May 2012 | 02:43 am
Like any of Sacha Baron Cohens movies hype has been built for months using smart advertising and even smarter publicity stunts which had left me and everyone else itching to get into the cinema as soo...
“Whitewashing” in Hollywood? 16 May 2012 | 10:33 pm
(Source: CNN) Sacha Baron Cohen’s new role as a fictional Middle Eastern tyrant in his movie “The Dictator” is causing plenty of controversy. Commentators like Dean Obeidallah have criticized the ac...
el dictador 1 link subtitulado 2012 26 May 2012 | 05:53 pm
Cuenta la historia de un dictador que hace todo lo posible para que la democracia no llegue a su país. Sacha Baron Cohen interpreta en la película a dicho individuo -quien, por cierto, se perderá dura...
thedailywhat: Sneak Peek of the Day: In which Sacha Baron... 29 Apr 2012 | 04:08 pm
thedailywhat: Sneak Peek of the Day: In which Sacha Baron Cohen’s General Aladeen is introduced via newsreel in the opening scene of The Dictator. [deadline]
El dictador (The dictator) 10 May 2012 | 01:10 am
Ver El dictador (the dictator) online subtitulada La imaginaria República de Wadiya está gobernada por el General Aladin (Sacha Baron Cohen) bajo un régimen dictatorial. En todo de humor, se sacará a...
Bruno (2009) (In English) 22 Jul 2009 | 08:18 pm
Released : 10 July 2009 Genre : Comedy Starcast : Sacha Baron Cohen, Alice Evans, Candice Cunningham Desc : Borat trickster Sacha Baron Cohen returns to the big screen to offer yet another stinging...
Notte degli Oscar, sorprese e conferme per lo spettacolo più atteso dell’anno 27 Feb 2012 | 08:11 pm
Gli Oscar 2012 si sono conclusi con numerose sorprese ma anche tante conferme delle aspettative della vigilia: già all’ingresso, ad inizio serata, Sacha Baron Cohen, attore famoso per le irriverenti i...