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SovereignMan:Confidential January 2011 Teleconference 2 Feb 2011 | 03:59 am
Welcome to the January 2011 teleconference, conducted as a Q&A session with Simon Black.
Simon Barrett, Blogger News Network 21 Apr 2012 | 06:26 am
Simon Barrett of Blogger News Network said some nice things about Janson Media… The video world was also exciting in 2011. There are two companies that deserve great recognition, Acorn Media and Jans...
Media RSS Moves to the RSS Advisory Board 12 Dec 2009 | 03:29 pm
The proposal for the RSS Advisory Board to become the publisher of the Media RSS namespace has passed 8-0 with members Rogers Cadenhead, Sterling "Chip" Camden, Simone Carletti, James Holderness, Jenn...
Spread Pussy Lips Pics 16 Nov 2011 | 05:36 am
This pic of Honey from Simon Scans is the bomb! A nice round ass and some spread pussy lips, how can you beat that? Well you can beat it off to that, but that’s another story! Honey’s a brunette with ...
Déjà une saison 3 pour « Spartacus » ! 13 May 2012 | 06:17 am
La saison 3 de « Spartacus » va accueillir deux nouveaux personnages de marque. Jules César, sous les traits du jeune Simon Merrells, en personne viendra affronter Spartacus. Mais ce sera surtout le g...
Emilie Simon-Franky Knight-2011-JUST 6 Mar 2012 | 10:22 am
Euro Update: siamo ad un vicolo cieco in Europa? 29 May 2012 | 10:55 pm
Ma avete capito bene quello che sta succedendo con la Grecia? E’ chiaro a tutti la motivazione per la quale ci stiamo dirigendo verso un vicolo cieco in tutta Europa? Per spiegare quello che sta acca...
Home Remedy for Psoriasis on Scalp 9 Dec 2011 | 02:16 pm
Article by Simon Linie Many long term sufferers of psoriasis have practically given up going to the doctor about it any longer. They feel they’ve tried everything possible, and still not experienced ...
Tips dan Trik Berlibur Hemat di Bali 24 Feb 2011 | 03:57 am
Lama nih gak ngeblog.. mumpung istriku lagi pules2nya dan mata masih bening ngetik dolo aja deh.. Banyak orang berfikir kalo liburan di bali itu mahal, tapi itu mungkin tergantung yak… mungkin dikit t...
Oleh :Hikmah Gemericik air diatas bebatauan yang rindang. Bening. Mengalir tanpa beban yag berarti. Mengukir celah demi celah yang di lewati tanpa rencana, tanpa duka dan kecewa tentunya. Air itu pa...