Most simple affiliate software related news are at:

... 8 Oct 2012 | 02:52 am
Mohammed Amine BENABDALLAH Professeur de droit public, Université Mohammed V, Agdal-Rabat - Doctorat d'Etat en Droit public, Universite de Paris II; - Diplôme des Etudes supérieures en sciences admin...
Mavenlink by Mavenlink 23 Jun 2011 | 06:51 pm
Online project management tool, which includes time tracking, expense tracking, custom branding, the ability to pay and get paid with PayPal integration, and Google Apps integration.
More simple affiliate software related news:
Is It Worth Buying Affiliate Software? 2 Feb 2012 | 06:44 pm
Is It Worth Buying Affiliate Software? Many of us dream of giving up our jobs and working for ourselves. Being your own boss can provide the responsibility level you want as well as the incentive to ...
Affiliate Software For Free (no opt-in) 20 Apr 2012 | 07:18 pm
I’ve had a ton of super successful projects thanks to the warriors, so I decided to give you guys a copy of my Pro version of Affiliate Link Magic. This is listed at $197 at Affiliate Link Magic Pro i...
Affiliate Cash Snipers Review 7 Dec 2011 | 04:14 pm
At first, I thought Affiliate Cash Sniperswas going to be yet another affiliate software tool that we have all seen and bought. I got in touch with Michael Rasmussen and was able to get more details ...
Simple Traffic Software – Video Proof 24 Jan 2012 | 11:53 am
It's not something anyone talks about as this is where the BIG players are cashing in BIG time and so are the Fortune 500 companies.
Free Conversion Advice for Omnistar Affiliate Software 31 Oct 2011 | 12:54 pm
Clients keep asking I love to refer people but is there also a referral program for Reedge. After several months of hearing this today it was on top of my to-do list. I selected Omnistar Affiliate Sof...
SanDisk announces new Ultra Backup / Cruzer U3 flash drives 7 Jan 2009 | 03:26 am
SanDisk today introduced an innovative new family of SanDisk® USB flash drives, including the world's first backup USB flash drive with simple backup software activation at the touch of a button. The...
MLM Affiliate Software 9 Feb 2010 | 04:25 am
Using MLM Affiliate Software(affiliate tracking software) easily manage your online network marketing business. The MLM Affiliate Software is forced matrix software can customize very easily using GU...
Affiliate-Links für den Linkaufbau nutzen 19 Dec 2008 | 08:17 am
In meinem kleinen Vergleich von Affiliate-Netzwerken und stand alone Software für Partnerprogramme habe ich ja bereits erwähnt, dass man mit einer eigenen Affiliate-Software auch die Möglichkeit hat d...
P3P-Policy 16 Oct 2008 | 08:35 am
Die P3P-Policy ist eine maschinenlesbare Datenschutzerklärung im XML-Format, die einige Webbrowser benötigen um 3th Party Cookies anzunehmen. Da ich vor kurzem eine Affiliate-Software aufgesetzt habe...
Affiliate-Software im Vergleich zu Affiliate-Netzwerken 6 Oct 2008 | 08:54 pm
Da es in diesem Blog auch um Affiliate-Themen gehen soll, möchte ich mich heute in meinem ersten Post in dieser Kategorie, mit dem Vergleich von Affiliate-Software und Affiliate-Netzwerken auseinander...