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More simply accounting related news:
Simply Accounting Pro 2011 16 Mar 2012 | 12:51 am
We might assume from the name that ‘Simply Accounting Pro’ 2011 performs the functions of normal accounting software, only simpler. But is this the case? Not really. ‘Simply Accounting Pro’ 2011 is...
Nylon USA Flag For Memorial Day Performance 23 May 2012 | 01:09 pm
Oh no! The church Memorial Day picnic is certainly 3 weeks away and you're simply accountable for supplying the American banner. What exactly do you purchase? Nylon? Polyester? Cotton? How big? Where?...
Peachtree and Simply Accounting Re Branded Sage 50 US and Sage 50 Canada respectively by Sage UK 14 Nov 2012 | 08:16 pm
Sage PLC of UK, the current Owners after aquisitions of USA based Peachtree and Canada based Simply Accounting (by ACCPAC) have renamed them again to be in line with their other Products used in UK na...
MISYS KILLING SAGE DEAL 22 Aug 2013 | 05:49 am
Manufacturing Information Systems is ending a contract under which its manufacturing application was the first fully endorsed product for Simply Accounting. CEO Dave Brown says MISys has informed Sage...
Budgeting Challenges : The Variable Categories 16 Aug 2013 | 03:11 am
Broken down to its essence, creating a budget is not a difficult thing to do. It is simply accounting in its most basic form; add up your debits (income) and credits (expenses), and subtract the cred...
Yeast Free Cooking – $9.99 14 Feb 2012 | 02:11 am
I know that these claims sound almost too good to be true, but I assure you that by simply changing your diet and eating foods that are free of toxic chemicals and yeast you will be amazed at how grea...
It Was Good News 7 Mar 2012 | 05:22 am
Yesterday, we met with our tax accountant. As we had anticipated, it was good news. We'll receive a modest refund. I'm happy. Sylvia is happy. Midnight yawned and went back to the serious busines...
Graphic Source Files of Ahsay™ Backup Software Available for Partners 22 Jun 2011 | 02:45 pm
We have just uploaded all the graphic source files of Ahsay™ Backup Software for partners to download. You may use them to save your branding effort by simply changing the parts you want to change whi...
Calculate Account Level Requirements 5 Jan 2012 | 09:11 am
Data Transfer Calculator and Explanation Of Bandwidth Usage ( live streaming ) Streaming Media Bandwidth Usage Calculator Enter the numbers below to calculate the approximate amount of bandwidth usa...
Rounded XML Video Gallery AS3 - Rip 16 Nov 2011 | 02:25 am
Rounded XML Video Gallery AS3 - Rip XML | SWF | JS | HTML | 21,1 МБ DEMO RXV is a powerful and stylish gallery of video written in as3. With RXV you can simply add video in assets folder, and write...