Most sine die related news are at:

TPA Roundup, Week of 1/10/2011 21 Jan 2011 | 04:15 am
I might be back, but I'm sure not the only one writing -- and thank goodness, considering the mess that this coming legislative session is going to be. So here's a highlight reel of stories from the r...
TPA Roundup, Week of 1/10/2011 20 Jan 2011 | 11:15 pm
I might be back, but I'm sure not the only one writing -- and thank goodness, considering the mess that this coming legislative session is going to be. So here's a highlight reel of stories from the r...
More sine die related news:
Sine Die 1 May 2010 | 12:50 pm
The Florida Legislature just adjourned the 2010 Session "Sine DIe". The tradition of the seargent-at-arms of the House and Senate dropping a hankie in the rotunda signaled the end of a challenging Ses...
Sine die 2 Oct 2008 | 11:49 pm
(Sem Photoshop) Por várias razões, algumas das quais evidentes, decidimos suspender a publicação deste blogue até que um outro projecto o possa animar. Ainda que com baixa frequência continuarei a "...
Rápida entrada sine die. 23 Jun 2011 | 05:03 am
"...siempre fuiste un espejo terrible, una espantosa máquina de repeticiones, y lo que llamamos amarnos fue quizá que yo estaba de pie delante de vos..." Al final pasó lo que realmente pensaste en aq...
Neocolonizarea Romaniei prin metode neoliberale, aplicata acum in lumea araba si maine in lumea intreaga 22 Apr 2011 | 06:35 am
La sfârşitul anului trecut, pe 30 decembrie 2010, Ministrul român de Externe, vizibil iritat de decizia greilor Europei de a amâna, sine-die, aderarea noastră la spaţiul Schengen, se întreba retoric: ...
Report sine die du transfert sur Alternext 17 Nov 2011 | 08:12 am
TRSB annonce le report sine die de son opération d’augmentation de capital de 4M€ ouverte au public. Compte tenu des conditions de marchés difficiles et de la forte incertitude des investisseurs insti...
O julgamento de William Tonet 22 Jun 2008 | 10:39 pm
O julgamento do jornalista e director do (bi)semanário "Folha 8" na queixa da Primeira da Dama, que teria lugar às nove horas da última sexta-feira, foi adiado "sine die". William Tonet iria (vai) res...
jordans 13 cheap scandals. 18 Jul 2012 | 08:22 am
Why half-brothers were destroying each other? The winds have dispersed sine die. Behind this tension agitated life his higher self stands by his side. The light of self shows him the directions. But...
GOOD MORNING GENDARMERIE : la dernière nouvelle.... 30 Apr 2013 | 10:30 am
GOOD MORNING GENDARMERIE! L'information matinale des Gendarmes & Citoyens: lundi, mercredi et vendredi Fermeture « sine die » du forum Gendarmes & Citoyens Cette revue de presse sera, je l'espère, ...
Dernières heures avant fermeture... Dernières demandes au DGGN et au MinInt 30 Apr 2013 | 04:26 pm
Ce sujet sera mon " baroud d'honneur " sur le forum ! Sujet très sérieux, cependant, croyez-moi. A quelques heures de la fermeture « sine die » du forum, il est peut-être encore temps de faire passe...
CAMPEONATO DEL CLUB DOBLES 28 Apr 2013 | 01:36 pm
Cancelado sine die debido al mal tiempo.