Most single column layout related news are at:

Modify the default action of a keyboard shortcut 25 Aug 2013 | 03:03 pm
Based on a couple of conversations I’ve had in the last month, it seems most people think that if a keyboard shortcut is already taken by an application, then you can’t use that shortcut within the ap...
Turnkey arcade machines for $75/month [link] 17 Aug 2013 | 10:19 pm
Delivered and picked up for $75/month. Wow. #
More single column layout related news:
Portfolio templates roundup 4 Jun 2009 | 03:24 am
We noticed a lack of access to Joomla Templates that are built for showcasing one's work. In looking for portfolio templates we used the following criteria: single-column layout when possible, nice im...
Facebook starts rolling out old single-column Timeline layout for users 8 Jan 2013 | 11:21 pm
Remember the pre-Timeline era on Facebook? Most people seemed to love it that way and it seems that Facebook agrees as it has begun to roll out a single-column layout version of Timeline for users whi...
Mobile layout of the “In Response” template updated 15 May 2013 | 04:36 am
The new In Response CSS template features a simple media query that makes the layout responsive, scaling the fixed-width and multi-column grid layout down to a full-width and single-column layout on m...
FB Purity Update v8.5.2 – Fixes TL button for graph search bar, hide emoticons option + some font setting display fixes 16 Aug 2013 | 12:23 am
I’ve released F.B. Purity v8.5.2 Changes Summary: * Fixed the “TL” button, for switching Facebook “Like Pages” (aka Fan Pages) from the two column layout to a single column layout. (Previously the but...
Kostenlose 3-spaltige CSS-Layouts auf CSSplay – Free 3-column-layouts 16 Apr 2009 | 06:29 am
3-spaltige CSS-Layouts auf CSSplay Der ‘CSS-Papst’ Stu Nicholls von CSSplay stellt in seinem Artikel ‘Three Columns – Seven choices’ vom 4. Februar 2009 die am meisten nachgefragten 3-spaltigen CSS-L...
“Page Columnist” - Posts and Pages at Column Layout 14 Jun 2009 | 04:34 am
Some time ago i was asked by a friend of mine if there is no easy solution to get pages edited at column layout without a knownledge about HTML and CSS simply at the editors. It should be a little bit...
Citrus Blogger Theme 4 Aug 2009 | 07:53 pm
Citrus looks more like a single column template, as the header spreads across only the main column. You can add your blog title and short description in the header, and a search box is also integrated...
Zencart 1.5.0 Demo 1 18 Apr 2012 | 04:43 pm
Zen Cart 1.5.0 New zencart 1.5.0 demo site: Demo 1 Current mods: Data Base Backup Plugin (Dr. Byte’s) Pure_Black Free Zencart Template Ultimate SEO URL Column Layout Grid Dynamic Filter Dynami...
Opencart 1.5.2 Template 21 Apr 2012 | 06:54 am
Here is a very clean, very sharp opencart theme. Herbal is a simple and easy to use OpenCart theme for any type of store. This is a two column layout. You can use either the left or right column. Dow...
40 Single-Page-Themes für WordPress 25 May 2012 | 01:00 am
Unter den zahlreich verfügbaren WordPress-Themes gibt es auch viele schicke Varianten, die Inhalte mit einem Single-Page-Layout auf einer einzigen Seite unterbringen. Die Navigation erfolgt dabei über...