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College Scholarships For Single Mothers- How can single moms fund their college education? 1 May 2012 | 09:00 pm
How To Get College Scholarships For Single Mothers? There is a lot of competition between students to get scholarships, like grants for single mothers. An important reason, of course, is you don’ t ha...
Inspiration was found in many things. Mine was found in you. -Terri Rohda 6 Feb 2011 | 08:28 pm
This quote was for my mom who was a young parent. Who was a single mom of 2. Who went to college for 8 years while working full time in order to give us a better life. An amazing woman with willpower ...
Single Moms On Facebook And MySpace Warned About Pre-Schooler Pix Online 30 Sep 2009 | 03:59 am
“Single mothers who put photos of their pre-school kids on their social networking homepages are creating a happy hunting ground for pedophiles.” The warning comes from Crystal Jacquez, managing edit...
The Single Mom's Guide To Sleeping In 22 May 2011 | 05:31 am
For the last thirteen years sleeping was just a fantasy. Something drunk college students were allowed to do with abandon but mom's were held to strict guidelines in my world. If I happened to sleep i...
Help for Single Moms in Alaska – Grants, Loans 29 Jan 2011 | 04:11 pm
No one may know and understand the challenges you are facing as a single mom right now, but looking for help in the right places is invaluable when you need it. Whether you want to go back to college ...
Rhode Island Assistance Programs 29 Dec 2010 | 06:57 am
If you live in Providence or Warwick and need cash assistance as a single mom, don’t give up. Perhaps you would like to get some college training and need free grant money, food or utility bill help. ...
Scholarships for Mothers – What Moms Should Know 23 Mar 2012 | 08:39 pm
If you are a mom or a single mom in particular, scholarships for mothers program can be a good aid to finance your college education and earn your degree. It is to say that when you become a mother an...
The Online Schools for an Accredited Online Degree Program 7 Nov 2009 | 02:27 pm
No matter what point in your life you are thinking, going for an online college degree program is a great idea. Even if you are a single mom with children, if you are thinking of going through for an ...
Single Moms Return To College With Government Scholarships – Apply Today For An Easy $10,000 11 Oct 2011 | 06:31 pm
Several moms have always had the want and will to return to school and finish their degree. They just lacked the way. University is expensive and it is challenging to pay for on a one moms wages, espe...
Now Live:’s Guide for Single Parents 20 Jan 2011 | 04:46 am
Being a parent is a tough job, especially when you're doing it by yourself. That doesn't deter many single parents from obtaining a degree from an accredited online college. Balancing coursework with...