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Single Parents Find Government Grants Pave Way For Degree Through Online Degree Programs 6 Dec 2011 | 11:42 pm
A single mother’s finances may be the thing that keeps her from going on with furthering her education. Not only does she need to worry about paying for herself, and her living expenses, she also need...
Single Moms On Facebook And MySpace Warned About Pre-Schooler Pix Online 30 Sep 2009 | 03:59 am
“Single mothers who put photos of their pre-school kids on their social networking homepages are creating a happy hunting ground for pedophiles.” The warning comes from Crystal Jacquez, managing edit...
Online Surveys UK, Online Survey Software, Research - 6 Dec 2011 | 03:05 pm
Online Surveys UK, SurveyShack is a UK based online survey and assessment solution provider offering single and 360 degree appraisal tools.
Scholarships for Mothers – What Moms Should Know 23 Mar 2012 | 08:39 pm
If you are a mom or a single mom in particular, scholarships for mothers program can be a good aid to finance your college education and earn your degree. It is to say that when you become a mother an...
The Online Schools for an Accredited Online Degree Program 7 Nov 2009 | 02:27 pm
No matter what point in your life you are thinking, going for an online college degree program is a great idea. Even if you are a single mom with children, if you are thinking of going through for an ...
Single Moms Return To College With Government Scholarships – Apply Today For An Easy $10,000 11 Oct 2011 | 06:31 pm
Several moms have always had the want and will to return to school and finish their degree. They just lacked the way. University is expensive and it is challenging to pay for on a one moms wages, espe...
Master Degree Grants pertaining to Single Moms 24 Jul 2012 | 06:21 pm
Law Schools Admission Council Research Grants- This is fond of law student who were able to work for legal analysis program get the chance to buy this scholarship grant. Single mothers need to be att...
How To Encourage Single Parent Online Dating for Your Mom or Dad 25 Jul 2012 | 03:26 am
You know your mom or dad better than anyone. Maybe your mom’s finally gotten over the divorce or your dad’s settling into his life as a widow. We all want our parents to be happy but if you suspect yo...
Online/Weekend Degree Programs Help Working Moms 31 Aug 2011 | 03:31 am
No matter what stage of life you’re in, one thing is certain. The traditional academic experience, however enriching it is, takes up a lot of time. If you want to advance in your field, but struggle j...
Now Live:’s Guide for Single Parents 20 Jan 2011 | 04:46 am
Being a parent is a tough job, especially when you're doing it by yourself. That doesn't deter many single parents from obtaining a degree from an accredited online college. Balancing coursework with...