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Google, Microsoft und Yahoo einigen sich auf Sitemap-Format 17 Nov 2006 | 06:19 am
Webseiten-Betreiber können ab sofort mit einer einheitlichen Sitemap die Web-Crawler der drei Suchmaschinen auf sich aufmerksam machen. Google, Microsoft und Yahoo haben sich auf eine gemeinsame Site...
شركة الحياة لخدمات الويب المتكاملة 29 Nov 2010 | 02:21 am
شركة الحياة لخدمات الويب المتكاملة RSS feed : Sun, 28 Nov 2010 13:20:08 GMT A1 Sitemap Generator xmlrpc xmlrpc http://al7eah.n...
Video - XML sitemaps for your plugin 10 Apr 2008 | 12:00 am
XML sitemaps are a way of telling search engines about the pages on your site. Their most important function is to prioritize pages on large sites. Because GoogleBot has limited time available to visi...
Dichev Webdirectory Sitemap 6 Jun 2008 | 05:35 am
All of the available topics in my webdirectory, shown in user friendly HTML sitemap.
Dichev Sitemap 17 Feb 2008 | 03:31 pm
User friendly HTML sitemap showing the basic architecture of my website and links to the most important pages and subdomains on Story Challenge Audition Details 故事擂台甄选资料! - ttp 1 Mar 2010 | 07:44 pm
亲爱的老师,相信你们参加了上周末的工作坊,对《故事擂台》的比赛形式有了一定的了解。这个周末,就是甄选了,大家加油!各组报到时间和次序表如下:中文-小学-个人(次序表): 8.30am 中文-小学-团体(次序表): 8.30a....
sitemap generator and htaccess 31 Jan 2012 | 12:16 pm
Hello, I am trying to install a sitemap generator and i need to access /generator/ directory from web browser but due to htaccess conditions i cannot access to the directory. What shall i add to be a...
Создаем robots.txt и sitemap.xml для WordPress 6 Apr 2009 | 10:29 pm
В этой статье, я расскажу вам о несложном способе отключить ненужные для индексации Поисковыми Система ми директории вашего блога на Wordpress. # BEGIN XML-SITEMAP-PLUGIN - Плагин который генерирует ...
XML Sitemap generator coming to All in One SEO Pack 1 Feb 2012 | 09:28 am
We are getting ready to release a new version of All in One SEO Pack here and we are happy to announce that one of the most requested features we get is being included in this new release. XML Sitema...
Sitemap Generator Plugin for Wordpress 7 Jul 2009 | 02:15 pm
This plugin creates a sitemap for your WordPress powered site. This is not just another XML sitemap plugin, but rather a true sitemap generator which is highly customizable from its own options page i...