Most skeptics about don piper related news are at:

Knowing Vs. Feeling in Worship 23 Aug 2013 | 06:19 am
Good stuff from Alistair Begg:
An Interview with the Housewife Theologian 23 Aug 2013 | 06:13 am
On the latest edition of the Mortification of Spin, Carl and I interview Aimee Byrd about everything from the threat of mountain dwelling cannibals in West Virginia to the importance of teaching doctr...
More skeptics about don piper related news:
Hörbuch: 90 Minuten im Himmel 8 Dec 2011 | 01:29 pm
Bei einem schweren Verkehrsunfall wurde Don Pipers Auto von einem LKW völlig zerquetscht. Die Sanitäter konnten nur noch Pipers Tod feststellen. Sein lebloser Körper lag in dem Autowrack, doch seine S...
Is Nopalea a Scam? 29 Jul 2012 | 06:48 pm
This is a burning question for everyone hearing about the goodness of Nopalea! If you are so skeptic, why don’t you give a try of the product? They now have an option where you can get to try the prod...
Remoskas/Halogen Ovens 24 Apr 2012 | 02:01 am
Does anyone have one of these? What do you think? I have a remoska and I love love love love love it. I don't know if that's enough loves... Dan was very skeptical about it when I said I wanted one b...
Go with IE 9 or not 28 Mar 2011 | 03:52 am
What do you think about Internet explorer 9? I’ve been thinking lately about installing it, but I don’t know really. I am a little bit skeptic, his advert is something like ‘Fast is now beautiful’, bu...
AN ODE TO MODERN POETRY 11 Mar 2011 | 05:34 pm
“MY COLORLESS SOLITUDE” As my skeptical mind wonders How many out there can really write poetry Versus how many think they can And make you and me believe it for our brains don’t understand. Damn, I t...
Is Zbiddy legit or scam penny auction website 10 Oct 2011 | 08:41 am
5 Reasons Zbiddy is Not a Scam: Zbiddy Scam: People are often skeptical of things they don’t understand. This is just a fact of human nature. And it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I can think of plen...
A BROWSER MANIFESTO – PART 9 Game developers today need to disrupt themselves to control their destiny. This begins with thinking outside the box. Don’t be skeptical about the browser. Be humble and ...
Auto Traffic Xploit Review 9 Mar 2011 | 07:56 am
Well ladies and gentlemen, I once again was suckered in. Although I’m very skeptical and usually don’t believe in BS, sometimes they just get me I guess I should start analyzing my own psychology, no...
An in-depth look at the iPad 2 Apr 2012 | 06:56 pm
The iPad has become a hot commodity moreso than any other gadget in recent years. Although a lot of people have purchased them there are still some skeptics out there. Quite a few people don’t know e...
An Honest Review on the “Truth About Abs” 14 Feb 2012 | 01:21 pm
I know a lot of people seem skeptical when it comes to online products. I totally understand why because nowadays, we’re bombarded by hypeymarketing offering products that don’t produce satisfactory ...